Paul Pelosi Showed Officers His Police Privilege Card After His Crash – IOTW Report

Paul Pelosi Showed Officers His Police Privilege Card After His Crash

Fox News

Paul Pelosi, the multimillionaire husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, allegedly had a drug in his system, addressed officers with slurred speech, and tried to hand them a police courtesy card during his May arrest on DUI charges, according to court documents. More

17 Comments on Paul Pelosi Showed Officers His Police Privilege Card After His Crash

  1. I’d like to know what evidence the D.A. has to determine that Pelosi had,” a drug in his system”. Nothing about a drug was mentioned in the attached police report. And .082% blood/alcohol content is not “plastered”, not even close.

  2. Too much is being made of him producing his 11-99 card. Anyone that makes a contribution to the foundation gets a card, it holds no weight in influencing police conduct. It is analogous to starting off the conversation with,”Do you know who I am?”, it never ends well.

  3. @Rich – I don’t know about the alleged drug in his system, but his blood alcohol test wasn’t administered until two hours after the accident. So that was an additional two hours for his body to metabolize the alcohol. The cop’s report stated that his eyes were bloodshot and he had a strong odor of alcohol on his breath. Those are usually indicators of more than .082 bac.

  4. A wealthy old f*ck like Paul Polosi is also a stupid old f^ck… too cheap hire a driver to keep his crusty limp dick out of trouble. Drink until you’re blind, just do not drive.

  5. @stirrin- there is boilerplate language that is used in EVERY single DUI arrested report, regardless of B.A. level ,”Upon arrival the subject was leaning against his vehicle. He appeared unsteady on his feet and confused. While talking to him I noticed his eyes were red. bloodshot,glassy and there was a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage on his breath. I asked him to step away from his car, he swayed from side to side and needed to support himself with one hand against his car for balance”. Then his performance of the Field Sobriety Tests will be described, and whether he was marginally bad, pretty bad or effed them up entirely, the report will exaggerate the results, all for the purposes of making the case stronger if it goes to trial.

    Similarly, making “a drug” part of the criminal complaint may have the effect of making the act more egregious, but if you are going to put it in there, you better be able to answer which drug and how it was discovered, so far they haven’t done that.

  6. @Rich Taylor: Just the fact that he handed him his privilege card can be taken as a “bribe.” “Do you know who I am” type of situation. They’ve used the “I am someone” card for years now….remember Nancy got her hair done and as a result her hairdresser had to find a better gig in a different State? She made out like a bandit – had a GoFundMe and all for her to relocate and start over. Her hairdresser made life difficult for Nancy showing what a hypocrite they are.

  7. @Goldenfoxx

    That card was not a “privilege card” although I’ll concede the dumbass probably thought it was. There are thousands of those floating around, there is even 11-99 license plate frames out there.

    And yes, the arrogance of these people is galling, which made the moment when he realized it wouldn’t work all the sweeter.

  8. Damn, I always thought those ‘Cracker-Jacks’ toys had some real value.

    I guess I’ll have to rely on my big time donations to the local POLICE and step-up my gratuitous appreciation for the law.
    Big Paul

  9. I still want to know who his companion was. Police report said “there was no passenger in the car when they arrived”. Reading between the lines, that could mean someone WAS in his car at the time of the accident.

  10. Trick the cops into changing Paul Pelosi’s name to Paul Trump. The MSM will do everything they can to make sure the public sees those warehouses fulla skeletons. They’ll even make up a couple hundred rumors because that’s what they do.

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