Peace Talks Possible Between Russia and Ukraine, As Magnificently Defiant Zelenskyy Stands Atop The Alamo of Kyiv Taking Selfies – IOTW Report

Peace Talks Possible Between Russia and Ukraine, As Magnificently Defiant Zelenskyy Stands Atop The Alamo of Kyiv Taking Selfies

CTH: The propaganda pouring out of Ukraine from the U.S. State Department and the taxpayer funded Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) is, in a modern scale, historic.

In their collective effort to make #Ukraine the modern image of The Alamo (where the last stand to defend all mankind is taking place), the corporate media, state dept and NGO’s are utilizing their Hollywood directed #BringBackOurGirls and #KonySurrender techniques in the extreme.

Pay no attention to the absence of any war fighting actually taking place, meaning the lack of actual fighting shooting and stuff in a modern era where everyone has cell phone cameras, and instead focus your attention to the ‘story telling.’ more



See Also:

Stunning Discovery – Evidence Suggests U.S. Intel Baited Russia in December by Telling China Ukraine Was Coming Into NATO.

Major HatTip to [PTC on Twitter] for finding this article and quote.  First, the context:

Yesterday, the New York Times reported on U.S. intelligence and diplomatic officials from the State Dept sharing intelligence with Chinese officials in the three months leading up to the Russian invasion.  {Go Deep on Analysis} The narrative from the article tells the story of the U.S. trying to convince China in December, January and February to intervene and persuade Russia not to cross the border into Ukraine.

Many people have looked at this story from the perspective of incompetence, i.e. why would the Biden team think China would not share the intel, etc.

However, when it comes to these types of issues, never ascribe to incompetence that which can be explained by intent.

There’s every reason to believe what the Biden intelligence community and state department were sharing with China, was done with the intention of Beijing giving it to Moscow. more here

23 Comments on Peace Talks Possible Between Russia and Ukraine, As Magnificently Defiant Zelenskyy Stands Atop The Alamo of Kyiv Taking Selfies

  1. “…never ascribe to incompetence that which can be explained by intent.” Exactly.

    Perfect explanation of what has currently been in operation since Xiden, a fraud was installed as president by the Deep State after stealing the election.

    It works like this – An unelected, incompetent, senile, easily manipulated tool is placed in a powerful position by evil, diabolical oligarchs, intentionally.

  2. US State Dept along with the global cabal and the simpleton Joe Biden are terrorists in true form who engineered the entire “invasion” episode. Funny how the “truth seekers” jump on the msm both domestic and foreign with bated breath and suddenly believe every word the vile snakes put into print or voice. The wanna-be “drudge” whatfingerdotcom is circulating (war) propaganda and unsubstantiated events to benefit that website and the slob(s) who operate it for the purposes of deceiving decent Americans. Use your own reasoning skills and not some entities/people distorted versions of things.

  3. Why it just doesn’t matter who wins or loses, we must focus our energy on the biggest, most all consuming existential threat in human history, the climate. Now let’s wrap this thing up, so we can choke off the fossil fuels. I’ll talk to Vlad .

  4. I really thought Putin , after formal recognition of the people’s republics of donetsk and luhansk , would limit his foray into ukraine to the defense and liberation of these two new entities , and push back to original borderlines. I must admit I was taken back when he kinda went whole hog . And why in the world is zelensky putting his country and citizenry at risk just to be a part of NATO and EU . I know it is somewhere in the charter/constitution of Ukraine to do so or work towards EU membership . As an American I don’t see EU membership as feather in your hat nor anything to aspire to attain . Why live under the dictates of unelected asshats in Brussels ? It’s early sorry for improper grammar , and randomness of thought process in this post .

  5. And please no history lessons on Ukraine , I’ve done more digging in the last few weeks on the country and its history recent and past ad nauseum on my own . Quite the place , lots of finger pokes in that mudpie .

  6. All of the romantic leftists swooning over Zelenskyyy need to read this Larry Johnson article at Gateway Pundit, before it’s pulled down. I tried to go to the Jacob Dreizin link, and got a 404. Things may not be as they are portrayed by the “storytellers”…

    “You won’t hear this on CNN, but Putin’s Army of Darkness, in the most complex and ambitious ground maneuver operation since World War 2, following the Soviet “deep war” playbook, is also working on cutting off the Ukrainian army group in the Donbass from Kiev. This is by far the most capable (or only capable) large portion of the Ukrainian army. Yesterday, its main reserves of diesel fuel were destroyed from the air. It will soon be cut off and immobile… Once that happens, the entire Donbass front collapses (they will no longer have a “front”), and BILLIONS of dollars in U.S.-funded or U.S.-supplied weaponry will be captured almost without a battle. (To be clear, it’s almost all U.S. funded or supplied—even most of the Soviet vintage stuff was bought and shipped in from Poland, Czechia, etc. by the CIA, “off the books” but well documented in videos of tank trains crossing the border into Ukraine, in 2015-2016… The Ukrainian army is falling back (mostly in organized fashion) throughout the Donbass. They have largely evacuated Mariupol, a very pro-Russian, major steelmaking and steel-shipping center (responsible for billions of dollars in exports) on the Sea of Azov. The sole garrison in Mariupol is now said to be the Azov regiment, a group of bona fide, tattooed Nazis—you know, your typical Ukrainian democracy guys, the ones the MSM doesn’t tell you about, and our State Department prefers to ignore. The kind of guys you must use to garrison a pro-Russian city that hates you.”—Jacob Dreizin

    It sure looks like we may be doing another Biden arms dump for our enemies. And I wouldn’t head for the Green Room just yet, Zelenskyyy.

    Also, more sightings of the “Putin is going mad” narrative. Some people are going to be surprised when the dust settles.

  7. All of that military equipment that was left in Afghanistan could be used in the Ukraine now. Hell, I bet they would of purchased it on discount.
    LOL, Biden you dope.

  8. More of what you won’t hear from the “storytellers”…

    “As it turned our, the putsch leaders followed Nuland’s advice to the letter, installing “Yats” as the new prime minister. But it also filled four cabinet posts out of eleven with rabid anti-Russian crypto-Nazis.”

    “Indeed, at the heart of the putsch were Ukrainian organizations called Svoboda (national socialist party of Ukraine) and Right Sector. Their national hero was one Stepan Bandera—-a collaborator with Hitler who led the liquidation of thousands of Poles, Jews and other minorities as the Nazi Wehrmacht made it way through Ukraine toward Stalingrad in the early 1940s.”

    “In fact, another founder and leader of Svoboda, Andriy Parubiy, was given a portfolio which included the Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces, Law Enforcement, National Security and Intelligence. That the Kremlin was alarmed by these developments and that the Russian-speaking populations of Crimea and the Donbas (the blue areas on the electoral map above) feared an ethnic cleansing led by the new Ukrainian nationalist government in Kiev—-given the bloody WWII history we have described elswhere—is hardly surprising.”

    @In any event, that’s what real foreign “meddling” looks like, and it is exactly what Imperial Washington does over and over again.”

  9. “The Ukraine” is Russia’s; they kicked the Mohammedans out, they settled the vast unpopulated regions and developed the area. The borders of the country known as “Ukraine” are a result of the collapse of the Soviet Empire.

    The time to be concerned is if Russia attempts to take the eastern european states formally known as the Warsaw Pact. I doubt that they are going to do that; Putin sees himself as “Tsar of all the Russias.”

  10. Anonymous, it sounds like you got a full dose of Deep State Narrative, and it’s making you cranky. You meed a dose of Nuance and Balance, and that may come from someplace outside your comfort zone. Also, you may be at risk of severe disappointment with unexpected outcomes. Get help soon.

  11. I think of Zelensky as just another eastern European gangster, semi-nazi, semi-communist, all dictator and crooked politician in deep with the New Economic World order crooks like Biden, his son, the Devos gang and Soros.

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