Pelosi: George W. Bush responsible for trillions of debt amassed during Obama tenure – IOTW Report

Pelosi: George W. Bush responsible for trillions of debt amassed during Obama tenure

WaTimes: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has a theory on who should shoulder the blame for over $9 trillion in debt the nation has amassed over the last eight years: former President George W. Bush.

Social Security, Medicare, and ballooning costs for unfunded federal mandates were not singled out on Friday by Mrs. Pelosi during a press conference as the prime drivers of U.S. debt. Instead, the California Democrat said Mr. Bush was culpable for debt incurred during President Obama’s time in the White House.

“When President Obama stood on the steps on the Capitol eight years from next week, the [budget] deficit was $1.4 trillion — one year deficit,” Mrs. Pelosi said, the Washington Examiner reported. “It’s reduced by 70 percent in his administration. Much of the increase in the national debt that has occurred from this time still springs from two unpaid-for wars, cost that we owe our veterans following that, giveaways that they gave to the pharmaceutical industry, and the high-end tax cuts that have carried forward without any job production. Absent the work of President Obama, this national debt would be even higher.”  more

25 Comments on Pelosi: George W. Bush responsible for trillions of debt amassed during Obama tenure

  1. I was in the local SS office last week. 75% of the “customers” in the office were young adults in their 20s, all able-bodied, all applying for disability benefits. Is it any wonder the system is bankrupt?

  2. 26,171 bombs dropped by US in 2016. Those unpaid for wars keep marching on. 8 years wasn’t enough to unravel BOOSH, close gitmo, stop climate change, close racial division, spur hope & change, and everything else Obama was supposed to get done.

  3. I have no idea whut Bella Pelosi’s IQ is, but I do recognize what she’s doing.
    This is pure Communist, brain-washing propaganda designed to target the younger audience that wasn’t around, isn’t taught history in the school system and simply doesn’t know any better!

  4. Just when I think this *woman* can’t possible say anything more ludicrous, moronic or just plain stupid, she lowers herself to the occasion! Living example that excessive Botox does indeed damage one’s brain.

  5. What a fukkin buffoon.
    You can only blame the House of Reprehensible.
    ONLY THEY control the purse.
    Pelosi, Boehner, and Ryan are the more responsible.
    The rest of the feckless traitors are just trying to grab a piece of the pie before, either America wakes up, or the catastrophic financial tsunami hits.
    Either way, we should have enough rope …

    izlamo delenda est …

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