Pelosi Refuses to Take Coronavirus Test Despite Being Exposed to Infected Lawmaker – IOTW Report

Pelosi Refuses to Take Coronavirus Test Despite Being Exposed to Infected Lawmaker

Democratic House speaker was in close proximity to Rep. Nydia Velazquez (D-NY).

I kept my distance,” Pelosi insisted.”I said to them we all have to be six feet apart and I kept my distance from all the members.”

51 Comments on Pelosi Refuses to Take Coronavirus Test Despite Being Exposed to Infected Lawmaker

  1. {“Velazquez is now in self-isolation but has not been tested for COVID-19.”

    But you can be sure she is counted as a victim of it in the reported numbers of cases anyway.

    In any event, who is asking Pelosi to take the test? If it wasn’t some medical or other official source asking her to do it I can’t fault her for not taking it, I wouldn’t take one if there was no medical reason to either just so satisfy someone’s curiosity.

  2. The point is missed entirely. If she was exposed — and it seems she was — she is putting others at risk from catching it from her. Anyone else (except those with a ‘D’ behind their names) would submit to a test, even be eager to get one, in order to know if they are at risk for spreading the disease and would do the right thing by it. Is anyone surprised that Pelosi would only try to protect herself?

  3. …a song for Nancy, who this is being sung to…

    “I caught it in a club down in old Soho
    Where you drink soda pop from unwashed cans of
    a cola
    C-O-L-A Cola
    She infected me when she asked me to dance
    I asked her disease and in a phlegm-filled voice she said, “Corona”
    C-O-R Corona, co co co Corona

    Well, I’m not the world’s most sickliest guy
    But when she coughed in my ear she nearly blew my mind
    Oh Corona, co co co Corona
    Well, I’m pretty dumb ’cause I can’t understand
    Why her febrile kiss is like licking Wuhan
    Oh Corona, co co co Corona, co co co co Corona

    Well, we drank sputum and coughed all night
    A patent airway not in sight
    For back blows she turned me across her knee
    Then said, “I can’t breathe, so you’ve gotta do me”
    Well, I’m not the world’s most medical guy
    But when I looked in her eyes
    I could see her die of Corona
    co co co Corona, co co co Corona
    Corona, co co co Corona, co co co Corona

    I pushed her away
    I walked to the door
    I fell to the floor
    I puked on my knees
    Then I coughed on her, and she on me
    I couldn’t even tell if the chick was a dude
    we were dying too quick and a check seemed rude with Corona
    co co co Corona
    Girls will dead, and boys will be too
    Since the Chinese gave us this jumped-up flu
    That’s Corona
    co co co Corona

    Well, I’d left home just a week before
    And I’d never ever been this sickly before
    But Death he smiled and took me by the hand
    She said, “Little boy, you have come to yourend”
    Well, I’m not the world’s most viable man
    But I know what I am and that’s place to jam
    For Corona
    co co co Corona, co co co Corona”

    (apologies to Ray Davies)

  4. Deblasio and Ginsburg using gyms after they tell others to stop.
    Pelosi taking chances with other people’s lives.
    And now Micheal Keaton the actor making an ass out of himself with his anti trump bullshit. He thinks we need to get out of the way for fauci. (you know, the guy who just last week submitted an academic paper saying the virus was just a bad seasonal flu, but in public he tries to scare the shit out of people, that fauci)

    Stop all interaction and practice safe distancing from democrats. If not, this country will be a communist hell hole that has weekly services glorifying trannies and queers.

  5. jellybean
    APRIL 1, 2020 AT 2:21 PM
    “‘Six feet apart’, big whoop, it’s nothing more than an arbitrary number.”

    …Nancy is more in the “would not touch with 10 foot pole” category, seems to me, anyway…

  6. (…woops, sung to the tune of “Lola” by The Kinks…

    …a song for Nancy, who this is being sung to…

    “I caught it in a club down in old Soho
    Where you drink soda pop from unwashed cans of
    a cola
    C-O-L-A Cola
    She infected me when she asked me to dance
    I asked her disease and in a phlegm-filled voice she said, “Corona”
    C-O-R Corona, co co co Corona

    Well, I’m not the world’s most sickliest guy
    But when she coughed in my ear she nearly blew my mind
    Oh Corona, co co co Corona
    Well, I’m pretty dumb ’cause I can’t understand
    Why her febrile kiss is like licking Wuhan
    Oh Corona, co co co Corona, co co co co Corona

    Well, we drank sputum and coughed all night
    A patent airway not in sight
    For back blows she turned me across her knee
    Then said, “I can’t breathe, so you’ve gotta do me”
    Well, I’m not the world’s most medical guy
    But when I looked in her eyes
    I could see her die of Corona
    co co co Corona, co co co Corona
    Corona, co co co Corona, co co co Corona

    I pushed her away
    I walked to the door
    I fell to the floor
    I puked on my knees
    Then I coughed on her, and she on me
    I couldn’t even tell if the chick was a dude
    we were dying too quick and a check seemed rude with Corona
    co co co Corona
    Girls will dead, and boys will be too
    Since the Chinese gave us this jumped-up flu
    That’s Corona
    co co co Corona

    Well, I’d left home just a week before
    And I’d never ever been this sickly before
    But Death he smiled and took me by the hand
    She said, “Little boy, you have come to yourend”
    Well, I’m not the world’s most viable man
    But I know what I am and that’s place to jam
    For Corona
    co co co Corona, co co co Corona”

    (apologies to Ray Davies)

  7. @SNS:

    (Tom Jefferson): So, Ben you want to hear part of the draft?

    (Ben Franklin): Sure.

    (Tom): “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they and Ray Davies are endowed by –”

    (Ben): ‘Ray Davies?’

    (Tom): Yeah, it’s a draft. We’re still working the kinks out.

  8. Nasty Nance is likely lying and has been tested for COVID -19 and the result is negative. Otherwise, she’s playing russian roulette with her health and others, (because she’s a narcissist), increasing her chances of being six ft. under earlier than she thinks is possible.

  9. When she’s finally terminal, she’ll pull a Teddy and be hysterically begging whoever is pope of the month to pull strings to keep her out of the Lake of Fire.

    Never worked, never will.

    God is not mocked.

  10. VietVet — If this news is a week old, Griffith was determined to have a stomach infection unrelated to the virus. Probably on the placenta diet as touted by Paltrow or someone else in Horrywood.


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