Person who sent false Hawaii missile alert not cooperating in FCC probe – IOTW Report

Person who sent false Hawaii missile alert not cooperating in FCC probe

NBC: The person who transmitted a false missile alarm that terrorized the state of Hawaii this month is not currently cooperating with the Federal Communication Commission investigation, an FCC official said Thursday.

“We hope that person will reconsider,” Lisa Fowlkes, chief of the FCC’s Public Safety & Homeland Security Bureau, told the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee in Washington, D.C.

The Jan. 13 alert of a ballistic missile alert sent people seeking shelter, some in basements or crammed inside bathtubs. The false alert came amid heightened tensions between the U.S. and North Korea, which has conducted nuclear tests and intercontinental ballistic missile tests and has claimed a missile can reach the continental United States.

Fowlkes called the false alert “absolutely unacceptable” and said that the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency is working with its vendor to put in place technical safeguards, and has since required that two people sign off on any tests or alerts. read more

26 Comments on Person who sent false Hawaii missile alert not cooperating in FCC probe

  1. (without reading the entire article)

    Did the person do it on purpose to provoke a wild response from POTUS Trump? I would not be surprised, in light of what is happening to the Left vis the DoJ and FBI scandals that may snare obama.

  2. “We hope that person will reconsider…”

    Who the hell is “this person”?? Some powerful, nepotistic Democrat’s antifa-loving spawn? Lock the sorry puke up until he/she breaks.

  3. exercising his rights? Perhaps he is not as stupid as originally assumed…… or he has a good lawyer. In either case, we may never discover the reason.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. And this incompetent idiot still has that job?

    I don’t deal with nuclear WEAPONS on the job, but if I pulled a comparable stunt I’d be idling my hours away outside the office forever. But then, in all fairness, I don’t work for the gubmint in a socialist regressive state.

  5. Somebody’s hoa hānau (cousin) whom, once they got the job, faked it enough to pass the probationary period and will become harder to pry out of the system than a barnacle.
    They probably set their Teriyaki Spam sandwich on the keyboard thus unleashing chaos.
    Aside from the screw up of Biblical proportions, this idiot, if left unmolested will probably spend its entire career failing upward and competing in the nepotistic palace intrigue that is Hawaii civil service.
    And will retire on a 65% pension

  6. You cause a panic by your incompetence, then when you are called on to become responsible for your actions, you hold your breath like a spoiled child AND YOU ARE NOT FORCED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INVESTIGATION…you must be an Obama et al.

  7. I do not understand how you can work for the government and not cooperate in such investigations. When you take on a job for the American people, you should have to be held accountable to the American people. If you are not going to cooperate, you should be fired immediately and lose all benefits.

  8. I have never believed you can accidentally issue a missile alert without having to go through some safeguards. You can’t even delete things permanently without a multitude of warnings and are you sure you want to do this. I can’t imagine a warning system wouldn’t have such safeguards. Nothing happening on the left today is an unintended accident. Of course they aren’t talking because like the FBI BS this probably involves multiple people conspiring to set it off for whatever misguided we’ll show Trump reason.

  9. What false alarm? Have you not seen that YouTube video uploaded by some dude who says the missile attack was real, we shot it down. The dude was former member of one of the alphabet soup agencies. So it’s on the internet it has to be true. Right? The noncooperation bit must be the Hawaii guy is refusing to lie and say there was no attack. That’s gotta be rest of story. He didntdonuffin wrong.

  10. What you talking ’bout, Willis. Deep State operatives don’t have to be accountable to the American people. Their allegiance is to a communist doctrine and the destruction it creates.

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