Pfizer Director Assaults James O’Keefe & Veritas Staff – IOTW Report

Pfizer Director Assaults James O’Keefe & Veritas Staff

15 Comments on Pfizer Director Assaults James O’Keefe & Veritas Staff

  1. Sitting in warm weather surrounded by snowbirds. About this time, every single morning, sirens disturb the tranquility. Today is no different. A fireman neighbor claims the majority of those calls go to snowbirds with heart attacks or strokes. Cannot help wondering how many of them are jabbed. Lotsa Minnesota and Wisconsin plates.

  2. A real study in “How To Piss-Off A CEO”.
    I’m pretty sure the Phizer CEO has already completed the paperwork to have Triston’s executive chair to be turned into a trebuchet to launch this little frantic, little fruitcake back to the melon patch he came from for putting his company on the world stage with a video like that!
    Not only that, but this boy toy is now so radioactive nobody is going to touch him with a 10 foot probe! See ya! Wouldn’t wanna be ya!

    Next up: “Spectacular Hissy-Fitz in the Welfare Line”

  3. Yeah well, that’s what he gets for hooking up online for a date at a family owned pizza place with pictures of Mary and Jesus on the wall.

    His defense was that he was lying on a date to impress. Ha! I’m betting he lied on his resume too and HR has already fired him for it. And that will be Pfizer’s spin: We’re not doing gain of function; he lies about everything.


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    who can make this up
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