Philadelphia Journalist Shot Dead in His Home – IOTW Report

Philadelphia Journalist Shot Dead in His Home

39-year-old Josh Kruger was shot in the chest and abdomen seven times and was pronounced dead at the hospital shortly after 2 am.
Also, click THIS -> Leftist journalist who downplayed violent crime gunned down in his Philly home

16 Comments on Philadelphia Journalist Shot Dead in His Home

  1. LCD: your comment reminds me of years ago after I got a call at 2AM telling me that my oldest brother had died of a heart attack. Before I left to drive across the state to be with the family, I checked my email. I had an email from my brother. That was very eerie.

  2. Most recently, Kruger had worked as a journalist covering issues like LGBTQ+ rights, homelessness, HIV and addiction in publications like The Philadelphia Citizen and The Philadelphia Inquirer.

    He was also an advocate for those groups above. Can’t pin the LGBT crap on Trump. Trump is also an advocate for the gay community and he’s working hard for them as I have shown here several times.

  3. “Lover’s” spat.
    Or some guy he met at a Truck Stop shithouse who he infected with the bug.

    Where was Paul Pelosi when this happened?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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