“Picture It…” – IOTW Report

“Picture It…”

22 Comments on “Picture It…”

  1. The flu killed 80,000 people a couple of year ago and so now there is going to be an all out push to get the chinese virus death number above 80,000. They’ll reclassify as many deaths as they need to from other maladies to make sure it’s above 80, 000. You can count on it. Every person that drops dead will be a candidate.

  2. Fauci has got to go! As head of the WH CV19 Task Force,Pence better figure out how to slide that guy sideways and out the door! Any more news on Gulianni’s bringing up the $3.7M illegal grant Fauci gave to Wuhan’s virus lab?

  3. OT yet as always, related. . .

    “Contract Tracing”
    . . .Contract Tracing
    . . .Contract Tracing

    Remember This.
    Remember That.

    Pay your cash to Mike Bloomberg contact APPs. It’s coming.

    New York Money Money Money Contracts
    Money Grubbing Scum

  4. Contract tracing indeed…

    COVID-19 isn’t syphilis, with a clear and sometimes deliberate or at least cavalier transmission route and life-long ill effects. It’s no one’s goddamn business where I’ve been or who I’ve spent time with or talked with.

  5. In the new, and improved global state of Amerika, contact is everyone’s business because we sure a’int capitalists anymore.

    Have you figured out how the demoncrats are destroying the country yet?

    P.S. It has something to do with social distancing in the rain…just social distancing in the rain…what a glorious feeling….

  6. Amazing how the Deep State government knew to keep Fauci on ice for 40 years in order to have him available for the emergence of the Chi Com Flu, defrost him at the proper temperature, and let him loose on both the American public and the worlds foremost economic system! Now that is both thinking ahead and outside the box!

  7. A high school acquaintance on FB posted a meme saying that people who were calling for a restoration of rights are selfish and should nominate their own friends and relatives to die. I was tempted to make a comment explaining how ludicrous the post was, but I figured, โ€œWhy bother?โ€

  8. Simple Simon says hop on one leg.
    Simple Simon says don’t wear a mask.
    Simple Simon says wear a mask.
    Simple Simon says pat your head rub your belly hop on one leg.
    Simple Simon says stay home.
    Simple Simon says rat on your neighbors.
    Simple Simon says don’t challenge the experts.
    Simple Simon says close all businesses for two months.
    Simple Simon says alternately blink your left & right eyes while sticking your tongue out with each eye blink.

    Ah, come on Uncle Fauci, we’re tired of playing this stupid game.
    We’re sick of seeing your face and hearing your voice.

    This game has grown old fast because, as hard as it might be for you to comprehend, you’re not the only one who wants to be Simple Simon.

    There’s Governor Simple Simon, and Mayor Simple Simon. And some other jackasses that want to call the shots.

    We’re done. No we’re not going home. We’re, now get this, we’re going out. We’re going to get together with friends and, oh the blaspheme, we’re going to have fun with our friends. Go away Uncle Fauci. Don’t come back.

  9. I read something by an Oklahoma pastor and it is something we all need to start saying and acting on.

    โ€œThe Mayor of Tulsa does not grant me or anyone in Tulsa the right to assemble and worship which also means the Mayor of Tulsa cannot take that right away.โ€

    Mayors, Governors, CDC, NIH, Task Force or even POTUS did not grant me the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and they cannot take them away.
    Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness pretty much covers everything in the Bill Of Rights.

    As for Fauci anyone with a few brain cells has known he was lying from the day he went to Congress and claimed millions were going to die. So I have believed nothing that has came out of his mouth.

    One of my adult kids call him the Hobbit, the other says he looks like a midget child molester.

  10. MJA April 30, 2020 at 2:55 pm

    “. . .he has 2 voices in one”

    I noticed that too. For unknown cosmic reasons only the audio feed was playing and I thought I was listening to Bernie give a virus update. It was the Bernie voice subroutine. Better than 30 evil rocks does.

  11. Faustus is a tiny, soulless, money-grubbing worm who may have single-handedly destroyed America. There’s no doubt he destroyed millions of lives.

    This ruthless doctor took the Hypocritic Oath.


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