Ecologists Turn To Plastic To Help Them Out – IOTW Report

Ecologists Turn To Plastic To Help Them Out


The sea of 96MILLION plastic balls that LA hopes will save it from drought: Reservoir is covered in an ocean of black spheres to stop 300million gallons of water evaporating

(Now it will never rain)

34 Comments on Ecologists Turn To Plastic To Help Them Out

  1. Lol, black balls?

    Is this some sort of blacklivessuck thing?

    Or did someone forget that the color black attraƧts heat from the sun? Maybe they have a new species of aquatic life that thrives in 150 degree water?

  2. I was thinking the same thing, how come black balls not white?
    white to reflect the suns rays not black to absorb them.
    but then I remembered about “white privilege” and it all made sense then.

  3. Polythene in the Fruit & Nutz state, eh? Reminds me of a Beatles song …

    “Polythene Pam”

    Well you should see Polythene Pam
    She’s so good-looking but she looks like a man
    Well you should see her in drag dressed in her polythene bag
    Yes you should see Polythene Pam
    Yeah yeah yeah

    Get a dose of her in jackboots and kilt
    She’s killer-diller when she’s dressed to the hilt
    She’s the kind of a girl that makes the “News of the World”
    Yes you could say she was attractively built
    Yeah yeah yeah

  4. Are you saying that all the illegals have been converted to black plastic balls? Oh, the humani… wait. Maybe that’s a good thing?

    Wait a minute! Then who is getting all that welfare, social security checks and free healthcare? Hey, what’s going on here?

  5. I pray that all the time and I know others do, too. Guess there are not enough of us repenting and asking God to save us. More than anything, I ask God to heal the hearts, souls and brains of the liberal Americans fooled by the socialist masterminds.

  6. Yep, and I know what it is. What life they don’t kill with elevated water tempuratures will be killed from lack of oxygen with that big ass algae bloom on steroids they’re about to create. Algae blooms suck the oxygen out of water and this one should be impressive.

  7. As a young man I worked with Benjamin Braddock in plastics.
    The black dye colour is used to better counteract the effects of UV rays on the structural integrity of the linked molecules in the plastic.
    The small water temp increase is confined to the surface and won’t adversely affect the aquatic life.
    I learned that from Jules Vern.

  8. There is so much wrong with this. On TV, there was some usual doofus claiming millions and millions of gallons of reservoir water would otherwise evaporate and be ‘lost’. If that’s the case, wouldn’t that much evaporation cause it to rain? A little bit??
    I’m waiting for the next environazi to come along and declare the water is unsafe, due to the plastic leaching in the water. Then again, there’ll be a manufacturing defect that makes the balls leak, causing them to sink, clogging the pipes used for outflow. Or some illegal kid drowns because he thought they could walk on the little balls. And what about wildlife confusing the balls for a solid surface and defecating so much the water is contaminated. Or maybe an African lion dies trying to cross the reservoir….

  9. yeah but, wait and see who get the federal contracts to turn that algae into a renewable resource for fueling electric cars that explode and cause wild fires.

    may the circle remain unbroken.

  10. Southern Cali has been a desert for a few thousand years. They have always had water problems. They’ve spent billions to import water from places that aren’t desert.

    Pack in a few more million folks, spend some more billions on water.

    I don’t see the problem. It’s just basic math.

    Spend the money, or cut the mouths.

  11. The socialist scum that runs this hell hole gleefully lets in 10s of millions of MEH-hee-kans and they actually think “conservation” will take up the slack. These are third world dirt, filth, and sickness carriers that look at a shower and a flush toilet as something from outer space. When they get to use them, they go overboard and waste a lot of water.

    The morons running this state have always believed that “conservation” is the answer. Don’t build anything new, just “conserve.” Just put in LCF light bulbs. Just use EnergyStar appliances. Hey, DOUCHEBAGS! What happens when EVERYONE is using LCFs or EnergyStar appliances? Then add another 10 million illegal aliens and see what happens to your electricity infrastructure.

    Same thing with water resources. Conservation is good, but EXTRA storage capacity is what you need.

    Eradicate the left.

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