Police Run Over Protesters – IOTW Report

Police Run Over Protesters

Comments are mostly supporting the police plus many state anyone who is threatened by mobs in the street should be able to do the same.

Satisfying video.

37 Comments on Police Run Over Protesters

  1. In general, if you (or some other innocent person) is in immanent danger of death or grievous bodily injury, you are justified in the use of lethal force to protect yourself and others. IANAL but I’m not aware of any self-defense laws that limit your choice of lethal weapon¹. In a self-defense situation, if the weapon at hand happens to be a motor vehicle, so be it. If you’re in fear for your life, run the motherfucker(s) over.

    Of course, a Soros DA will disagree. But now that I think of it, that makes the DA an immanent lethal threat. Act accordingly.

    1. The weapon has to be one whose use is discriminating and not broadcast. No fair using a thermonuclear bomb to get that bad guy.

  2. If I were in a vehicle and they were dumb enough to surround it, I certainly wouldn’t just sit there and see what they were going to do next….. that would make me the one playing a stupid game to win my stupid prize. They started the game, I’m a nice guy, I’d be more than willing to concede the stupid prize to them. As a good defense for the plow-down maneuver…I watched many rioter… I mean peaceful protesters employ Molotov Cocktails. … I would definitely fear for my life merely sitting stopped in my vehicle.

  3. In Anti-Terrorism training in the Military I was taught to use the vehicle as a weapon.

    You surround my vehicle, and start beating on it, I will back up to get a running start and then peel out of there. It’s the rioter/perp’s choice to be a hood ornament or not. And the blood and gore washes right off…

  4. If you’re in a vehicle driving slowly down the road and suddenly you are surrounded by people who start banging on your vehicle, you immediately slam on the accelerator and get away. Just tell the police you were in fear for your life because you saw what a rioting crowd did in Los Angeles to some poor truck driver.

  5. They just had one the other day with a nice new shiny Dodge Cummins pulling a horse trailer. These rat bastard protesters are banging on the truck, banging on the horse trailer scaring the shit out of the horses, risking injury. So the lady powered on through running over a couple of the worthless pieces of shit. The DA’s still deciding whether to charge her or not.
    You bang on my shit I will knock you out. It’s happened before. Sometimes I think all the rat bastards are really interested in is property damage.

  6. The moment that the “Protesters” go from screaming and yelling to blocking and assaulting they become Rioters. Rioters and looters should be shot on sight. Until these people learn not to block and assault we will have nothing but trouble.

  7. Oh, F*ck yeah: Given that the current administration has let in to the United States terrorists from around the world, we should be free to plow down any gang of thugs when we feel that we are endanger. Nobody remembers the exit-route test by the punk who walked down the line of cars entering the CIA HQ with his AK-47. That MF was safely home in Pakistan in less than 24 hours. And it’s likely that we’ll see more of that soon.

    Stay locked, loaded, and ready to fight, my friends.

  8. At least one protestor got caught under the wheels, that’s gotta hurt. Years and years ago I was giving my roomdog’s car a push (on the B pillar through the open rear window) when I stumbled (OK I was drunk) and my foot was run over by the rear tire. Did I mention it was a Ford LTD? It didn’t hurt too bad at the time, courtesy of the alcohol, but next day the foot was so swollen that I couldn’t put a shoe on.

  9. Reginald Denny is a good example why stopping is not the best choice when encountering masses of dumbasses, he was domed with concrete blocks for the crime of driving while both white and employed.


    Is not just a get-out-of-jail free card for police. ANYONE blocking and protesting in the street should be legally liable, even damages to the car that ran them over.

    Why this is not the law in all 50 states means people aren’t countering quick enough, the domestic terrorists strategies.


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