The Second Amendment is an indispensable safeguard of security and liberty. It has preserved the right of the American people to protect ourselves, our families, and our freedoms since the founding of our great Nation. Because it is foundational to maintaining all other rights held by Americans, the right to keep and bear arms must not be infringed.
The order then makes clear that President Trump wants an assessment of any infringements that occurred due to presidential action under former President Joe Biden and due to DOJ and/or ATF actions. more
Μаkеѕ mе wаnt tο buу а fеw mοrе, јuѕt tο сеlеbrаtе.
This will almost certainly be assigned to his quisling RINO AG Pam Bondi who has repeatedly over her career abused and ignored 2A rights. She will pretend to do an assessment and proudly proclaim there are no infringements….while she continues to do exactly that. Of all the Trump appointees so far she was by far his biggest mistake based on her history.
So Dan can’t sleep tonight because any minute Pam Bondi is going to kick down his door, kick his ass, and take his guns under the guise of President Trump. I think Dan’s a Dem shit disturber, or really stupid.
Trump just issued a killer EO in support of gun owners and idiots like Dan find fault with it.
@ Bad_Brad SATURDAY, 8 FEBRUARY 2025, 23:33 AT 11:33 PM
My sentiments exactly.
I could go to the gun club on any weekend and hear the same shit from the doom and gloom, woe is me, crowd. Yea, the same ones that are too worthless to even vote. It’s beyond tedious and has been for decades.