President Select Biden – IOTW Report

President Select Biden

While the title sounds like a dystopia or a “conspiracy theory” it is reality for the ONLY nation on the planet who’s Constitution still exists (on paper). NONE of the voices in the United States matter. Left, Right, Center – they don’t care – they demonstrated to you how much YOU DO NOT MATTER.

Peter Navarro released a report on the 2020 Presidential Elections that were called by the CORPORATIONS and their selection for President was amplified by the Media Industry. Apparently, the Associate Press is the authority in calling elections not the people.

The Elections in the United States were influenced by Media, Consumer and Tech companies obfuscating evidence, demands for recounts and blatant voter fraud by labeling them as conspiracy theories and “stories”. Video evidence of people with suitcases feeding ballot machines were just “not enough”. Why?

It didn’t matter if you had members of the House or even President Select Biden filling out ballots and counting them on video or watching them in person. Biden was going to be the President and the louder you got the louder they got attacking you, jailing you, firing you and any other way they could force you into submission. Foreign entities FUNDED the “Biden Campaign”. One such entity pumped over $70 Million which came from the one and only George Soros. Foreign funding for your campaign is illegal … BUT not when you have been selected to be President.

Americans have no voice at the ballot box because foreign interests and corporations have taken over. Imagine how difficult it would be for them to sell you shoes and clothes that a five year old that is a slave at a textile camp would be if you knew that? That’s what the media is for. They tell you how to behave, how to think, how to walk and talk but they can do as they please because they have a global network of friends that will keep you distracted and congested with what they want you to know while throttling your ability to access information via cyberspace. “If everyone is saying it … then it must be true”. more

14 Comments on President Select Biden

  1. I think China’s influence on Big Tech probably makes Soros’s influence look like small potatoes.
    – Trump called out China’s bad activities.
    – China gets Big Tech on the phone: “Get rid of Trump”
    You see the results

  2. Let’s Roll! We are on an airplane high jacked by corporate jihadists who are taking us to our death. This calls for stopping them even with our own lives! I’ll be damned if I will go quietly into that dark night! I’ll rave, RAVE against that darkness and take a bunch of those bastards with me, So Help me God!

  3. We’re a banana republic now. And it’s all done right in front of our faces.

    It’s time for our side act like this is a banana republic, too. There is no going back.

  4. @ Gonad: Maybe we could start by creating our own “strange fruit”, starting with soros and family, gates. fauxci, the clintons and their ilk. Lots smaller than dealing with china at the moment but it could be a start

  5. As mad as people are and as helpless as they feel it does little good just to voice their outrage.
    How many are still on Twitter and Facebook or have Apple phones, and Amazon Prime? A good place to start might be to pry yourselves away from a few indulgences like those that feed the beast.

  6. I got news for you – – just about everything is a CONSPIRACY. There are no “theories” about it. The term “conspiracy theory” was coined by the CIA years ago (yes – – it’s another conspiracy) to debunk those aware people who warned of conspiracies. Now the “conspiracies” are out in the open where the conspirators are actually admitting the conspiracies and the sheeple are still mocking people who warn of conspiracies. The brainwashing is deep.

  7. The author, just today, made an Ohio state lawmaker retire. He won’t seek re-election. lolol. She was badgering him with phone calls and filed a demand letter to change (voting laws, remove secretary of state, etc.) and he couldn’t deal with it after she told him either he does it or she will organize a recall/impeachment of him and the rest she mentioned.
    So he bailed. lol! Her team is about to slap Ohio around til they get rid of Gov. Boxwine, too. No more GOPe! Time for Constitutional Conservatives.

  8. JM,
    Look up BLU (Bold Like Us), see if one of theirs meets your stringent requirements ( They cost only $100-200, I bought mine at Best Buy. ANd you can get cell service through any of the major carriers (mine is T-Mobile). The only downside is they don’t have the massive support like Apple & Samsung do (T-Mobile, etc) in case of crashes & bashes.


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