President Tells Press He’s Been Taking Hydroxychloroquine, Media Has “Unhealthy” Reaction – IOTW Report

President Tells Press He’s Been Taking Hydroxychloroquine, Media Has “Unhealthy” Reaction


President Donald Trump on Monday confirmed at the White House that he was taking hydroxychloroquine and zinc as preventatives against the coronavirus.

“I happen to be taking it. I’m taking it. Hydroxychloroquine. Right now, yeah,” he said. More

Major networks gagged on the news. Here

22 Comments on President Tells Press He’s Been Taking Hydroxychloroquine, Media Has “Unhealthy” Reaction

  1. One thing about DJT is he has a habit of getting spontaneous reactions out of assholes. Like that globalist asshole Neil Cavuto. I’ll never watch him again.

  2. DJT is like a MAG-lite (flashlight) shining the light into the dark corners of America/Society.

    Just happen to watch it live, it was GLORIUS.

    Oh these are the same santimonius bastards that shout at the top of their lungs “Privacy, PRIVACY MY BODY, MY , MY RELATIONSHIP WITH MY DOCTOR!!”

    Fuck themmmm…they are despicable.


  3. It’s remarkable the millions of people who have taken HCQ for malaria prevention never had “serious side effects” or “heart problems” nor were they warned by the FDA against taking it.

    The media reinvented it as a modern day 2020 drug that has no history.

  4. Gin & Tonic with a slice of lime.

    Tonic has a tiny bit of quinine in it so remember to drink a heck of a lot of it.

    Re: the Big Orange Machine taking it,

    1 – it shows that it is not going to kill you

    2 – it puts pressure on officials to make it available instead of holding it back for whatever reason.

    3 – it shows that he is willing to try something rather than cower like a “lying, dog-faced pony soldier” in your basement with a collection of children’s wigs.

    4 – it stopped whatever the media was yapping about and got them to chase their tails for a day or two.

    I would take a lite preventative doses if allowed to but up here in Canuckistan we are at the mercy of our great government who are panicking because they are running out of FUCKING BAMBOO to feed the FAGGOT PANDAS from CHYNA that were loaned to us as a symbol of “frienship”. Big news up here!

    I would put the lazy, too useless to procreate, pandas in a box with a few hundred pounds of chicken chow mein and air drop the fuckers onto one of those sand islands the CCP have built in the yellow sea.

  5. the media and democrats may have ulterior motives for their “freakout”

    i think they have beee trying to infect him with the virus and now he is protected

    they cannot have nancy step in because both DJT and pence are infected if DJT isn’t infected

  6. @Kcir – China is asshole MAY 19, 2020 AT 5:28 PM
    “Gin & Tonic with a slice of lime.

    Tonic has a tiny bit of quinine in it so remember to drink a heck of a lot of it.”

    Don’t tell everybody! So far, there hasn’t been hoarding at the only local store where I can find Schwepps!

  7. Can anyone name a MORE essential employee than the feckin’ POTUS?!?!?!

    If I have to jump through the goddamn hoops that I have to every goddamn day as a goddamn grunt frontline cannon fodder healthcare worker and NOT qualify for prophylactic treatment, how can these fecking leftist buffoons begrudge the unfettered leader of the goddamn Free World….

    Oh… wait… worked my way through it on my own.

  8. Kcir, funny you brought that up. Ever since this whole WuFlu bug started up and I learned about HCQ I’ve enjoyed a tall cold glass of tonic water every night. I’ve actually developed a taste for it. It would take up to 20 glasses to reach a medicinal dose of quinine, but I still like it. I recommend a generous amount of lime squeezed in it.

  9. @ Dr. Tar,

    You just inspired me. I mixed a Bourbon, Tonic & red Vermouth. Add 2 dried black olives. No ice.

    It tastes like Shit!

    It is a yellowish brown colour and leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

    I’m thinking of calling it a “Shart”, “Shitstain” or “Filthy Ball Less Politician”.

    Try it and let me know.

  10. FYI

    Zelenko’s prescribed cocktail only requires 5 days of treatment:

    · Hydroxychloroquine. 400mg first day and 200mg per day for four days

    · Zinc. 220mg once daily for 5 days

    · Zithromax (to prevent bacterial pneumonia) 500mg daily for 5 days

  11. @Handsome MD, @Joe6pak and others – per what he said, today on Pragers show the
    Zithromax is one day of the week in that cocktail.

    Here a couple of vids (one is an interview) of Dr. Zelenko, he is up in Monroe, NY not to far from me.

    NO DR. here, that’s just what he said.

    Bad Cough
    Sense of weakness – LIKE THE FLU – (my emphasis)

  12. @Kcir – China is asshole May 19, 2020 at 7:11 pm

    > It tastes like Shit!
    > It is a yellowish brown colour and leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
    > I’m thinking of calling it a “Shart”, “Shitstain” or “Filthy Ball Less Politician”.

    “Long Island Bat Soup”


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