Pro-Hillary union boss: ‘We’re only here to intimidate’ anti-Clinton protesters – IOTW Report

Pro-Hillary union boss: ‘We’re only here to intimidate’ anti-Clinton protesters

CFL: In a series of videos posted Wednesday by the Daily Caller, a union boss from the Laborer’s International Union of North America (LIUNA) is seen and heard making sexist and racist comments against supporters of Donald Trump outside a rally for Hillary Clinton in Las Vegas.  In one video, he’s heard saying, “We’re only here to intimidate them.”

Here’s video of that part of the protest:

He also confronted a female protester and tried to intimidate her while demonstrating an apparent foot fetish.

“Where you get your feet done?” he asked.

“Excuse me,” the woman responded. He continued to press, “Where you get your feet done?”

“I’m sorry, I’m not going to engage in a conversation,” the unidentified woman said.

“That’s awfully white of you,” the union boss said.

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21 Comments on Pro-Hillary union boss: ‘We’re only here to intimidate’ anti-Clinton protesters

  1. I hate when people call guys like this thugs. This guy right here is borderline diabetic. The past 6 meals he had were pizza. The most aerobic thing he’s done all week is take a shit. This guy right here is target practice for a real bad ass and that statement has nothing to do with firearms. That guy is in such poor physical shape he would vapor lock in the first 10 seconds of a real confration.

  2. These union thugs are no better than rats who were trained to press a lever for food. So long as corrupt democrats keep feeding them they will be their fat dumb loyal servants.

  3. I was going to say something along the lines of him not lasting long, even with a 60 year old, but then I read the comments and see this is an obvious point.

    He’s a thug in heart & soul. How about that, Brad?

    I saw this kind of mentality a lot when I lived 60 miles from Chicago. It permeates far and wide up north.

    I think it’s parallel to an abused child growing up to be an abuser. It’s what they know as far as power on the personal level goes. Fear.

    Wouldn’t be surprised if he beat his Mom for over-cooking his meal.

  4. @ 40 second mark: “We already know she’s going to be president. We’re just going through the motions.”

    They even admit it’s all corruption all the time with the Dems.

  5. @riverlife callie, I don’t know what’s going on with that poll. This is what I got, before clearing the computer cache & flash cookies. Funny that one can comment, but not view any.

    2.2 K Share
    ABC News Poll:
    Which Candidate Will Win the Presidential Election?
    Last Update:
    Hillary Clinton: 262
    Donald Trump: 191
    Failed To Verify Referrer

    Once that was straightened out:
    Donald Trump (70%, 39,705 Votes)
    Jill Stein (18%, 9,917 Votes)
    Gary Johnson (7%, 4,009 Votes)
    Hillary Clinton (5%, 2,671 Votes)
    Darrell Castle (0%, 129 Votes)

  6. BB — by the time I got there, the percentages were about the same, but Trump was up to over 44K votes. ??

    Polls, schmolls. Any and all media polls, especially.

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