Pro-Trump Political Ad ‘Joe Biden Has A Racism Problem’ – IOTW Report

Pro-Trump Political Ad ‘Joe Biden Has A Racism Problem’

Sara A. Carter: A new political 2020 campaign advertisement pinned by President Donald Trump on his Twitter Tuesday unleashes a torrent of past racist statements made by presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden. It was released shortly after Biden selected California Senator Kamala Harris to be his running mate.

Biden, who is known for his gaffes, has been highly criticized by some for his seemingly racist statements but has had little backlash from Democratic leadership or the mainstream media on the issue.

August 5, 2020: “What you all know, but most people don’t know. Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things,” Biden said. 

May 22, 2020: “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

August 8, 2019: “Poor kids are just as talented and just as bright as white kids.”

May 18, 1973: “My Democratic colleagues don’t like me saying this but the two party system is good for the south and good for the negro, good for the Black.”

Listen and watch the full video below and judge for yourself. Would President Trump get a pass if these were statements he had made?

5 Comments on Pro-Trump Political Ad ‘Joe Biden Has A Racism Problem’

  1. If President Trump had made racist statements like joey has done in the past the democraps and their allies in the media and hollyweird etc. would have politically crucified him and forcefully removed Trump from office already. Sorry joey double standards matter and we don’t like or care for your standards.

  2. kamala devi harris, is a jamacain-American or indian-American, not african-American.
    The indian word devi connotes goddess, it is sometimes used to identify an indian female.
    OH, and CHUSA is hindi for blowjob

  3. Are there 1 out of 5 Blacks who vote willing to open their eyes to what is happening around them? As long as the looting and criminality that is happening nightly has a Black face, they and their children will pay.
    Just 20% of their vote will show the Dems. they can’t be lumped in with the criminals cherished by the media, Hollywood, and the Left.


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