Prosecutor Who Brought Down Republican Governor Now Finds Herself Under Grand Jury Investigation – IOTW Report

Prosecutor Who Brought Down Republican Governor Now Finds Herself Under Grand Jury Investigation

DC: The prosecutor who brought down former Missouri Republican Gov. Eric Greitens has found her office under investigation for possible perjury over the same case.

Kim Gardner, the St. Louis circuit attorney who led the charge in the Greitens case, was accused of suborning perjury by the former governor’s defense team. A state grand jury is now considering evidence pursuant to a police investigation that began in May of 2018, according to a Tuesday morning report from local St. Louis radio station KMOX.

The local ABC affiliate reported at the time:

Police say the decision to investigate was made after meeting with two of Greitens’ attorneys, who announced earlier Tuesday they would ask for an investigation. The defense attorneys allege that William Tisaby, an investigator hired by Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, lied to the court and withheld evidence.

Prosecutors dropped a felony invasion-of-privacy charge against Greitens on Monday after a court ruled that Gardner had to answer questions under oath from Greitens’ attorneys.

Local conservative talk show host Marc Cox, who has been covering the case since the very beginning, told The Daily Caller that he felt like the initial prosecution of former Gov. Greitens was political — and that Gardner has continued in that vein since.  more

12 Comments on Prosecutor Who Brought Down Republican Governor Now Finds Herself Under Grand Jury Investigation

  1. “…he felt like the initial prosecution of former Gov. Greitens was political — and that Gardner has continued in that vein since.”

    …Well, since EVERYTHING that a Dem does is political, that should have never really been in doubt. All those scumbags do, they do for power, and damned be the fact that stands in their way.

    …this is just part of “By any means necessary”. Did you think they were kidding?

  2. Meantime, Kathleen Kane, Democrat former AG of PA is behind bars for felony crimes committed while in office. She was initiallty defended by Cinton mob lawyer Lanny Davis. Trump is still laughing at Michael Cohen’s choice of Lanny Davis right now… “Heard from Kathleen in PA jail…Hillllllllary? Help me…” :))

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