Colorado becomes the second state to allow psychedelic therapy this week after two years of rulemaking
Psychedelic therapy begins in Colorado, causing tension between conservatives and veteransBy JESSE BEDAYNAssociated Press/Report for AmericaThe Associated PressCOLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) — As Colorado becomes the second state to legalize psychedelic therapy this week, a clash is playing out in Colorado Springs, where conservative leaders are restricting the treatment over objections from some of the city’s 90,000 veterans, who’ve become flagbearers for psychedelic therapy to treat post-traumatic stress disorder.
Colorado residents voted to legalize the therapeutic use of psilocybin, the chemical compound found in psychedelic mushrooms, in a 2022 ballot measure, launching two years of rulemaking before it could be used to treat conditions such as depression and PTSD. Breitbart
Where the hell are they trying to take us?
You either own your own body and can put into it whatever or whoever you wish, taking full responsibility for your actions, or you are the property of the state. Government has NO BUSINESS either restricting or endorsing anything. Psychedelics have been shown since the 60s to address root cause mental issues. It is a despicable thing that ANY THERAPY is kept from ANYONE, especially folks like veterans who have been destroyed by the actions of these same government goons. That being said, I have very little confidence that any group that is licensed, blessed, or otherwise by the government is a group you should trust with your mind and your mental issues.
^^^ Yeah right. I had a friend who abused alcohol, pot and some occasional mushrooms. He told me one time that I didn’t need to call him anymore because he could communicate with me without calls. The friendship ended. So, He got sober, did the 12 step and later has become a Pastor for a large hospital and assisted/hospice center….He’s still crazier then a shit house mouse…..
“You either own your own body and can put into it whatever or whoever you wish,”
You have such a simplistic view of the world. So yes, that’s all fine and dandy until the .GOV is taking more money out of my payroll taxes to pay for health care for these weak individuals. Let them die on the streets then. But I’m not paying for it. The same with abortion. I’m reasonably sure you’ve never signed the front side of a pay check. You have a very flimsy grasp of reality.
Mr. Liberty — What Brad said X2. Not only that, but there are many things a society as a whole are just better off without. Not merely a little better, but noticeably better. There’s absolutely nothing less freeing to a person than to be enslaved by drug and alcohol addiction and, usually, accompanying mental illness. And there’s utterly no compassion toward your fellow human than to insist they are “free” to choose something over which it is obvious they have long lost the freedom of choice. In agreement again with Brad that you have a naive view regarding freedom.
And how truly “free” is our current society in which psychedelic drugs are encouraged but so-called Christian “conversion therapy” (and not just for transgenderism) is prohibited by law?
Psychedelic drugs were bad enough in the late 60’s and early 70’s and screwed up mentally a lot of dumbass baby boomers then, so why should they make a comeback now. Hey, dumbasses your wonked out space cadet guru Timothy Leary has been dead for quite a while. Grow up and quit thinking that you can magically alter your consciousness by tripping on psychedelics, it didn’t work then, and it doesn’t work now. All it leads to lead is evil spirits taking over your mind and taking you away from the knowledge and the grace and mercy of God. I have too many friends who fried their brains taking this shit and have become living dead basket cases the rest of their lives. And at least one good friend who committed suicide because he couldn’t drive away the devils who tortured his mind back in the mid 70’s. Colorado and Oregon both should know better than to try to justify using psychedelics for any reason.
Lots of love of government slavery and not a lot of respect for freedom on this site. Not what I expected. Also a lack of appreciation of how taboos and government prohibition make all of these problems worse. Hey, to each his own.
So where’s my freedom as a tax payer when they come and confiscate my money to pay for these weak sisters? I’m hoping you’re a young guy and the light goes on. “This Sight”? Really. Ron Paul, your God, got a lot wrong. Not that he wasn’t a very valuable voice.
God save us from assholes trying to save us!!
For the record, I’m in 100% agreement with MrLiberty.
No one has addressed his key point, that you either own yourself or you don’t, and if you don’t, then the govt assumes ownership.
Once you have allowed the govt to exercise controls that are inherent in ownership there is no moral line to distinguish between this control and that control. If the govt starts demanding that you act in some way that you don’t want to and have not consented to allow them to impose on you, you no longer have any moral argument to use against them: you have already surrendered.
Mr. Liberty, You’ve tipped your hand in saying there is a lot of love of gov’t slavery here, and outed yourself as an extremist. America — through it’s many swings from extreme to extreme — survives today because we have an unique constitution which, when adhered to, provides important protections to its citizens. It’s one thing to desire absolute, unfettered freedom to do with yourself anything you want to do, but it’s quite another when you reach into my pocket to provide a hammock for yourself when your plans go predictably south and people you’ve never met are destroyed by one’s selfish inclinations to be free no matter what. Taboos and restrictions are typically felt most keenly by those who refuse to acknowledge how their own damaging behaviors affect everyone else around them; preferring to fall back on blaming their victims for objecting.
As Geoff the Aardvark wrote, ask anyone who has lived with or experienced the ruined life or too-soon death of a loved one. It even hurts my soul to see an addict babbling to themselves or zombied-out at a bus stop. They are also someone’s loved one. I can’t believe anyone could be cold-hearted enough to celebrate that kind of “freedom”.
@AA — Barry Goldwater famously said:
Are you saying he was wrong?
Uncle Al
I’m good with that. As long as you pay for it. Because I’m tired of paying for it. Imagine being a Christian and totally opposed to abortion but yet you are forced to pay for it by our totalitarian government. What happened to freedom of religion? I appreciate your symbolical rebel yell. But unfortunately people like me pay the price for your 27 seconds of feeling independent. That’s not reality. Guys like me are the true Libertarians. I’ll stop there.
@Brad — Good.
“I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!”
LOL. I actually attended a couple Goldwater rallies. In footed sleeper pajamas because my parents could find a bay sitter. Google “Barry Goldwater on Illegal drugs”. You’ll find way back then he was in favor of medicinal weed. Which is pretty remarkable really. Had no idea they were recognizing weed for potential medical benefits back then. And that’s about where it stopped. He was definitely not a big fan of LSD. Al, you gotta move out of Key West brother. LOL
Uncle Al & Harry — I love this discourse!
Uncle Al, didn’t you just write today that you have a church schedule/calendar? I’m assuming it’s because you attend church, yes?
Two things:
1. In this world no one owns themselves. They are owned by God or the Devil.
2. Knowing this, our Founders recognized and forged a constitution which was compatible with only a moral citizenry. Had we retained a desire to pursue a Godly morality, we’d be quite free under that constitution. But, as we gradually transfer our ownership to the Devil, we must “legislate morality” in a vain attempt to secure our natural freedoms.
My parents were huge Goldwater peeps. We lived in SoCal back then where he frequently campaigned. If he showed up in SoCal my parents were there. Sometimes with baby Bad_Brad. LOL He was the original Rally guy. He was Trump before Trump. He had a huge support back then in extremely conservative SoCal and AZ. Along comes this new comer Democrat, John McShitstain. Well lil Johny ran several times for various offices and was soundly defeated. Until he switched parties. A man with no spine. This is public info, Google it. One of the reasons I can’t ever watch his fat daughter claim what an honorable man he was. John McCain was one giant stool of a man.
Doesn’t personal autonomy require that you realize the effect that it has on others for the benefit of the society you live in and not to the detriment?….some old dead Greek guy could probably say it better…
To be continued. Sorry but I got the coughing crud too and am about done in for the day.
Uncle Al
ZiCam nasal swabs. Pound them five times a day. I credit them for me turning the corner on this crap. The wife who rarely gets sick has been fighting it for going on 4 weeks.
@ Bad Brad & Uncle Al….The crud is running rampant around here….The solution is…. Chinese hot and sour soup with extra shitake mushrooms….It’s worked for me for years….I just make 4 quarts to get ahead of the local snot monsters…
Shits nation wide. The Feral Irishman ran a post, raise your hand if you got it. I was literally everywhere. Kind of weird. I never get sick. Mainly because I’ve never worn a mask and I don’t constantly wash my hands. It’s called immunity. This one kicked my ass for a couple days. A far shorter duration than most. But I’ll bet you this shit killed a bunch of elderly peeps. Oh shit wait, that’s me.
I’m too mean to get sick or stay sick for long. Just ask Geoff C. Yes, he’s nodding his head.
“I’m too mean to get sick or stay sick for long”
LOL, yea, that’s you. A big meany.
Sorry so many are upset with principled stands in favor of self ownership. Where anyone got the idea that I support the government stealing from others to support those who destroy their lives with drugs is beyond me. I certainly have NEVER posted anything other than full support of ending taxation, restoring personal responsibility and even getting rid of government. If YOU don’t own YOU…then the state does. If you can’t see the direct connection between the war on drugs and the war on medical freedom, financial privacy, the war on guns and so much else, or if you think these are a fair trade to keep supposedly sovereign individuals from making poor choices, then none of my arguments are going to make traction. I stand proudly for self ownership and personal responsibility.
Ownership of our bodies aside, I don’t understand how inducing a psychotic state will assist in eliminating a psychotic state.
Or even a neurotic state.
Isn’t that tantamount to smacking yourself in the head with a hammer because you have a headache?
But then, I’m a retired plumber, not a psychologist.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Tim – cultures throughout history have employed natural psychedelics like peyote, psilocybin, ayahuasca and others as a means of altering consciousness to allow users to uncover and transcend traumas or limitations in their experience. The issue is not whether you understand how it works or that the pill-pushing, government-protected psychiatric cartel agrees, but whether an individual has the right to explore these options for healing. The most vocal opposition generally comes from those with the most to lose financially from natural alternatives.