Purple Norma Rae Doesn’t Approve of Our New President – IOTW Report

Purple Norma Rae Doesn’t Approve of Our New President


It was made official yesterday, despite the efforts of a few of Madison’s looniest of moonbats, Donald Trump received all ten of Wisconsin’s electoral votes and will become our 45th president.

That didn’t stop this carbuncle on the back side of the republic from trying to turn the proceedings into her own personal broadcast of virtue.




32 Comments on Purple Norma Rae Doesn’t Approve of Our New President

  1. “”’We’re all going to war and die because of you people,” one crowd member yelled…”

    Tell that to every victim of muzzy jihadism. Here’s a news flash fool: Coming soon to a street near you. Minnesota is very, very close to your state.

    These people are brain-dead idiots.

  2. The best way of dealing with those people is to completely ignore them in the same way you would ignore a whiny child or annoying pet. They need to be trained to understand that their disruptive, irritating behavior will not be rewarded with attention.

  3. This is what happens when you shut down state funded mental institutions in the name of patients rights, and then let the patients wander the streets without outpatient treatment or medication.

    These people are a danger to themselves and others.

  4. Female mid-life Hysteria.

    Hormones, meet Psychosis.

    Ageing estrogen going sour, being misdirected into overemotionalized politics.
    The literal screaming is clinical.

    Freud was correct.

  5. Hey lady, this is still your America. The voters and the States have spoken. Live with it just like we lived with Obama. If it’s socialism you’re looking for move to Venezuela. They have plenty of it. If you plan on staying please just STFU!

  6. “This is what happens when you shut down state funded mental institutions in the name of patients rights, and then let the patients wander the streets without outpatient treatment or medication.”

    Shutting down state hospitals was never about patients rights, it was about money. It’s always about money. The less money legislators spend on services, the more left to stuff in their pockets.

    When they saved that money that was formerly spent on those in need, did taxpayers get a rebate?

  7. It is all about the attention. Like whiny brats needing a switch. Mumsy and daddy never spanked her butt, and it shows. Suprun in Texas is still goofballing for the camera, but everyone now ignores his traitorous ass.

  8. @Anonymous

    I was just joking.

    I suspect she is actually a fully tenured humanities professor at UW Madison. That would explain her self-centered batshit craziness.

  9. For the sake of our Country, and convinced of her rightness, and how she knows better than we, what is good for us; she is fully prepared to decide who deserves to be American.
    The Left has become what they fear the most.

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