Queer Advocates Cope With Bros Box Office Flop – IOTW Report

Queer Advocates Cope With Bros Box Office Flop

Howie Carr

You don’t need to be an acclaimed film critic or cinema buff to have predicted this.

Universal Studios’ first-ever gay romantic comedy featuring a strictly non-straight cast flopped at the box office during its first weekend. Bros grossed $4.8 million, falling far below modest first-weekend estimates and the $22 million it cost to make.

Michael Schulman of The New Yorker grasps at straws to make sense of the abysmal turnout:

“It would be wrong to think of this weekend’s box-office as a test of how much America really likes gays, or gay movies, or gay movies in movie theatres…Think of it more as one cantankerous voice in the muddle that is gay identity today—pulled, as ever, between pride and prejudice—and as a point of evolution in a genre that it winkingly deconstructs from the inside. If Bros is a test of anything, it’s empathy.”

Huh? Even out-of-touch writer and co-star Billy Eichner came to a more straight-forward conclusion.

“Straight people, especially in certain parts of the country, just didn’t show up for Bros,” Eichner’s rage Tweet states, though I’m not sure there’s a way to analyze the sexual preference of every ticketholder.

Eichner clearly wasn’t expecting the dismal response to his gay feature, so he took matters into his own hands. “Last night I snuck in and sat in the back of a sold-out theater playing BROS in LA.”

There’s our first problem.

Talented actors like Tom Hanks, Johnny Depp or Reese Witherspoon claim never to watch themselves on screen. Either they are too busy working on their next movies, or they just aren’t that narcissistic. If this actually happened, Eichner is admitting insecurity in either himself and/or the film. more

37 Comments on Queer Advocates Cope With Bros Box Office Flop

  1. Mr. Schulman,

    “pride and prejudice”? Really? Comparing your work with a classic novel?
    Or are you saying you know that those of us who are proud, straight, and don’t fit your agenda are prejudiced? Sounds to me like you are the prejudiced one.

    Make a good movie, and I might consider seeing it. Keep putting out this woke crap and see how long your career lasts.

  2. When The Black Panther first came out, all the rich black athletes, entertainers, and business folk bought thousands of tickets to give to the inner city kids. This was billed as philanthropy wrapped in an altruistic blanket but in reality, it was designed to juice the box office numbers.

    Hollywood is full of seat punchers, they will do the same thing to save face.

    Besides, if I wanted to see a gay love story I can turn on the Hallmark Channel.

  3. How many hetero sexual couples display a “Public Display Of Affection”? Well these fags want to shove it in your face. Can’t remember if I posted this here or not but a couple weeks ago I walked into my fav butcher store, waiting in line, like number six, and in walks these two guys hugging all over each other and they march right up in front of the counter and start ordering. So I say, excuse me the line forms back there. And what the hell do you think they said? ARE YOU HOMOPHOBIC? My neck veins almost maxed out. So after taking a split second to think, my response was, oh, are you queer? Maybe, but foremost you are rude. And I hate rude people. Get in fucking line or dial 911 for an ambulance because your going to need one. Nobody else in line reacted. The butcher was laughing his ass off. I want to emphasize, these two people of the same sex were in a lip lock as they walked towards the counter. It was for shock value. Same as this producer and again no heterosexual couple wants to see it.

  4. joe6pak
    Thank God we grew up when we did. I also than God my two boys have found women that carry on that tradition. I love women. I love everything about women. How fucked up do you need to be to be a fag when there are WOMEN? Sheeeeeeeit.

  5. Rich Taylor, come on now, the Hallmark Channel got me through covid a few years back.
    I was sick as hell around Christmas and they ran their formulaic feel good stories around the clock.
    This was good since I was awake at all hours of the night trying not to die.

    They may have some gays in the stories these days but most Christmas shows were straight white men & women. Oh my!

  6. Well, poofters, you’re about 1/2 – 1 1/2% of the population and above average in household income (per US census). If you’re such a financial force to be reckond with, then support your own damn preferences. The rest of us will support ours. Don’t frickin’ whine that nobody wants to spend time and money watching you.

  7. Why would i see this film or any other film made by the Commies of Hollyweird? I am not giving them a dime of my money. The last film I saw was 12/91, The Addams Family, and it was because I liked looking at Raul Julia. A friend sometimes loans me his Bollywood movies and those I like.

  8. Billy Eichner is a unlikable homo hack.

    Why does he always look like he’s sucking on his dentures?
    Does he have dentures or is that just facial hollowing?

  9. The truth is that there have been gay-themed movies that have done well at the box office. So this one didn’t – maybe it just isn’t as good as the others. Also there are no big stars, like Brokeback Mountain had. And it will have a more limited audience. But it certainly didn’t help that Eichner actually demanded that conservatives stay away from it. Not that any of them (including me) had plans to see it.

  10. Did it have a knife fight? Did the one dude have a rival dude for the affections of the other dude? I’ve heard knives are a favorite way to settle romantic rivalries in that crowd but maybe that’s just an urban legend.

    If the movie got one to three percent of the usual number of viewers a nondescript normal release gets they made average. Of course there’s the possibility it was just a shitty movie and everyone thought it sucked. Whom knows.

  11. Everyone is sick of faggots. They’re walking disease vectors. And a shitload of them are evil AF. There’s a reason all the Abrahamic religions warned against them. They’re wrecked Western churches, military, schools, and government. Time to jam this scumbags back in the closet.

  12. LOL!! Whine, whine. Hollywierd gay tool’s movie about his “wacky” social life is a flop.
    Maybe normal people and their families don’t want to watch a movie about the freaky peccadillos of sexual perverts who act against God’s biological design and law.

  13. I used to like Discovery Channel programs. Key word USED. No more. Every commercial break, one sees this “movie” being touted as “joyful”, “wonderful fun”, “have never had this much fun @ the movies”…..bullshit all. Not just for “Bros” either. Discovery+ has deemed it wise to add the “Pride” channel to their streaming service. I know people will say, “well, nobody is forcing you to watch it”. True, but these people are inserting themselves into everything(!!!!). They demand you accept them & treat them as equals. They then demand you treat them different because they are gay & therefore, a victim. What a person does behind closed doors is none of my business, but it seems the gay population just wants to rub your nose in it.


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