Rachel Maddow: “Beware of Mr. Banana” – IOTW Report

Rachel Maddow: “Beware of Mr. Banana”


Rachel Maddow might be the Left’s “queen of conspiracy theories.” She spent over two years pumping every possible angle of the Russia-Trump collusion conspiracy until it blew up in her face with the release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report and his subsequent testimony before Congress. I would imagine that she was ALMOST as devastated that Mueller exonerated the President of Russia collusion as she was on the night that the President defeated her “best pal” Hillary Clinton back in 2016. Remember her glum, hang-dog look back then? It was glorious.

In order to find out what she is saying about impeachment these days, I reported on the opening monologue of her Friday night show in two parts here and here.

As I let the DVR run while finishing up Part II, I was amazed, then amused, and finally aghast at her latest conspiracy theory to which she segued. Amazingly, she is still stuck on Russia, but this time it’s even more bizarre. Here is a bulletized summary of the high points of her theory/claim:

  • A Russian-backed internet company, TheSoul Publishing, that is operated out of Cyprus is now the third most-watched internet content provider on YouTube and Facebook, behind Disney and Warner Media.
  • She spent about five minutes providing examples of the clickbait content provided, including something called “Mr. Banana,” which included a 15-minute video on a falsified Russian history (e.g., Khrushchev sold Alaska to the US instead of the real history of “Seward’s Folly” in 1863).
  • She made fun of Mr. Banana while at the same time claiming that such easily identifiable propaganda was somehow sinister and a trend of Russian misinformation detrimental that would surely be detrimental to Americans.
  • Other click bait content examples were 5-Minute Crafts, 7-Second Riddles, and 5-Minute Magic. She showed an example of one of those short videos of cleaning a toilet bowl using a can of Pepsi-Cola. Apparently, there are hundreds of those little snippets available on a “Smart Banana” website. THERE’S MORE

21 Comments on Rachel Maddow: “Beware of Mr. Banana”

  1. “Remember: Their conspiracy theories are important allegations which must be investigated, and your important allegations which must be investigated are conspiracy theories.”–AOS

  2. Khrushchev selling Alaska to America is a new one on me. Let’s see Khrushchev was the Russian dictator in the 1950’s and early 60’s after Stalin croaked in 1953 (I was born in 1953) and Alaska became a state in the late 50’s, I call bs on this one. She’s so stupid that she makes AOC look smart by comparison. And is Mr. Banana the name of that 120 K art piece that sold recently before someone ate it, what an imbessill.


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