Rand Paul gets under Bernie’s skin – IOTW Report

Rand Paul gets under Bernie’s skin

7 Comments on Rand Paul gets under Bernie’s skin

  1. Ingratitude comes right after envy in the prog’s hierarchy of what they consider to be cardinal virtues. If anything, perhaps envy or ingratitude are on equal footing. Irrespective of all else, their embrace of both is responsible for north of 90% of the resentment that motivates them.

  2. They are disciples of Satan, the only use they have for Christian virtues is to manufacture a sick and twisted counterfeit mockery of them they can exploit to advance their agenda.

  3. That was eloquent. But Maxwell House, that’s some high tone living going on in the Paul family. $4 for a weeks worth of coffee! That’s some profligate spending. My brand, some Mexican instant I get at W/M costs $6 for about a month and a half. Top that Rand.

    Next up was I heard the worthless POS Sen Hickenlooper. WTF is it with these pols? Mayor of Denver, Gov of CO, 2 terms and now in the Senate? A perfect bookend to the other POS CO Senator, Bennet. Lord, get a GD life.


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