Reagan Has Retort For Young Snotty Know-It-All – IOTW Report

Reagan Has Retort For Young Snotty Know-It-All

9 Comments on Reagan Has Retort For Young Snotty Know-It-All

  1. Children are morons in every generation… but it seems to me that gen x stayed morons into adulthood, and gave birth to teeming generations of worse morons. They are all scum. Listless, G-dless, aimless, eternal toddler SCUM!

  2. When I was tutoring math in college I had more than a few instances wherein I was trying to get a failing student to pursue a deliberate and systematic strategy that achieves results every time it has been sincerely followed and had been told: I tried that, and it didn’t happen for me.

    You tried what and what didn’t happen for you? You mean you took the initial steps that would provide a foundation to build the knowledge on and you expected to instantly be able to solve fairly complicated algebra problems? Good Lord, these folks had absolutely no concept of doing anything that requires knowledge and skill and not having it just magically happen. They simply couldn’t get their mind around building the knowledge and skill and getting practice in something. They wanted instant gratification.

    Once I got them past that, I had a 100% success rate. I was good at tutoring that I was the only paid intern at the junior college I attended who was still being paid to tutor after moving to a four-year school. I actually had students travel to get tutoring from me.

    I was no nonsense and the students I got were what were known as two time losers, they had been the recipient of State paid tutoring for two quarters and still couldn’t pass Math 101, which they needed to graduate. The State would not pay for any more than three quarters of tutoring in any subject and I never had a single student who didn’t pass Math 101 and more importantly I never had one who’s entire attitude toward their ability to learn math didn’t improve markedly.

  3. “The Lord Gave me the answer”; “we invented them”!

    I voted Ronny 4 times in /cal and 5 times nationally! Every single one was a good vote! Because I have been a Ronny man since he defeated “NeoCommie” Dewey.. For those in the East Dewey as a ‘lead pipe cinch”; his VP was a liberal who won all his races in Cal by big margins! Conservative Ronny “ban stormed” Cal against the Commie – it is UNIPARTY “BIG LIE” to say Ronny was ever a liberal!- an “the lock” for Dewey was broken HST won an election all GWB’s UNIPATY friends said he could not! Ronny did it!

    Because I love Ronny , who always loved Americans, I never voted UNIPARTY. KNOWINGLY. I did vote for BUSH 1 ONE TIME! He was President less than an hour before I knew I’d mad the worst vote of my life!

    I was a precocious kid; I could read and understand “news” papers in 1948!

    “64 $ Question
    ” Who ran as VP?
    I know Im old; don’t need to remind me

  4. Reagan got me a 16.5% payraise when he got elected. Makes a big difference when you wear green clothes every day and your check was $670 a month before. When Carter was president, we had to buy our own toliet paper for the barracks we lived in.

  5. Reagan knew the difference between thinking a decision and feeling a decision – today’s generation wants to feel everything and it better be a good feel or else they get triggered.

    Ronald Reagan represented the best of his generation and a credit to America.


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