Record Crowd: Donald Trump Speaks at Liberty University Convocation (1-18-16) – IOTW Report

Record Crowd: Donald Trump Speaks at Liberty University Convocation (1-18-16)

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16 Comments on Record Crowd: Donald Trump Speaks at Liberty University Convocation (1-18-16)

  1. That’s a tough crowd. The introduction is amazing. Anyone who won’t listen to a Trump rally is doing themselves a great disservice by stubbornly restricting their choices. I thought I knew who my choice was way back before anyone even announced, but I’ve since reconsidered but it was only because I took the time to look at the whole field. It’s hard to talk rationally to anyone about your candidate or compare them to anyone else if you have no idea what you really talking about. How can you make any intelligent arguments against someone if you really don’t know what they’ve said, or what they’ve done? You can’t, not in an honest way, anyway.

  2. No – I’m still open to being convinced to get behind Cruz if someone can convince me how Cruz (over Trump) beats Hillary in the electoral college. I don’t need a policy argument. I need an in-depth and cogent state by state analysis on how Cruz, instead of Trump, beats Hillary in the general election.
    I’m sway-able.

  3. Wow! I wish I could see so clearly into the future that I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Hillary will overcome the FBI, an actual Marxist(rather that a faux commie like herself)Bernie, a severe and debilitating brain injury, severe alcoholism, and the effects of a national campaign in a 70+year old brain-injured alcoholic, and previous national election failure to win the nomination of her now severely split party. Then I would know for sure (based entirely on moral principles, of course!) whether to vote for a faux Republican who owns strip clubs, likes millions of dead babies and is O.K. with the LGBT crowd and their culture becoming a part of MY culture, has donated to the worst of American commie-libs consistently for years and is proud to call himself a member of the New York culture that typifies that, and considers himself of such merit he has nothing to apologize to God about(if you have never apologized to the Almighty you cannot call yourself “Protestant” or “Christian” by Bible definition), or a real conservative of the Reagan stripe. SUCH A MORAL CONUNDRUM!

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