Regulators Leave Business Owners With Crumbs – IOTW Report

Regulators Leave Business Owners With Crumbs

Prager U posted an excellent presentation of what federal regulation means to a small business owner. When a private business operates on a 1% margin there is no margin for bureaucratic busy work. Watch

9 Comments on Regulators Leave Business Owners With Crumbs

  1. A Facebook friend just posted something about how since capitalism is just focused on taking money away from people we should embrace socialism. But in reality it is government-supported crony capitalism, in which the powerful companies collude with the government through abject bribery to give them favorable treatment and enable them to trample upstarts. That is not capitalism – although it is certainly opportunistic!

  2. Which is worse, the Mafia or the government? The Mafia just screws you the one time. The government screws you for each level (local, state, fed) and for each agency at each level.

  3. After leaving the Senate, George McGovern bought a Bed and Breakfast. He hired an experienced manager. Rather than manager the operation of the B&B, the manager had to spend all of his time dealing with Government bureaucracies.

    After losing his shirt in the venture and having to get out of the B&B business, McGovern said something along the lines of “I sure would have voted a lot differently if I had owned a business before going into the Senate.”

  4. @Left Coast Dan October 8, 2019 at 1:24 pm

    > since capitalism is just focused on taking money away from people … But in reality it is government-supported crony capitalism, in which the powerful companies collude with the government through abject bribery to give them favorable treatment and enable them to trample upstarts

    Arguing that the “result” of the “plan”, disproves the “plan”, isn’t much of an “argument”.

    > we should embrace socialism

    Of course, arguing that “the Sun rises in the east”, so “you should give me a ‘free’ hamburger, today, that your children will pay you for ‘next Tuesday'”, ain’t much better.

  5. What POTUS Trump and his team of economic people understand so very well is that the build up of the wealth-distribution, socialist/Marxist/Communist, Administrative (“Deep”) State was the necessary precursor to the jack boot of every agency’s extra-legal Regulation. That is why, in every piece of 22,000 page legislation you will find the phrase “General Welfare”. Our Congress voted it’s own irrelevancy by invoking General Welfare and interpreting the Constitution in this way. Coupled with their ability to convey broad powers to agencies; giving them the legal ability to regulate with little or no real Congressional oversight (when is the last time anyone went to prison following a Congressional oversight hearing?), we are saddled with a proxy government that is unanswerable to The People. We’re essentially the EU in which we play the role of Germany (the money maker).

    Here is an excellent piece explaining the Administrative State from Hillsdale’s Imprimus, “The History and Danger of Administrative Law”

    “Administrative law is extra-legal in that it binds Americans not through law but through other mechanisms—not through statutes but through regulations—and not through the decisions of courts but through other adjudications.”

    After POTUS Trump disposes of the bad actors in the intelligence “community”, I sincerely hope he turns his attention to the rest of the agencies who operate outside the Constitution.

  6. Oblowme and who-knows-how-many administrations before him have turned the federal bureaucracy into a money laundering operation. Where do they always get the money to conduct covert pay-offs to foreign governments, political “foundations”, you name it? Where the hell do all those regulatory fines go? I’ll bet nobody knows. For all we know, this is why the globalist EU and all their unelected people — who legally represent NO ONE in the EU — are so bloody resistant to POTUS Trump.


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