Remember the Lesbian Who Was Going To Revolutionize Comedy? – IOTW Report

Remember the Lesbian Who Was Going To Revolutionize Comedy?

The critics LOVE her. The audience does not.

The critics HATE Dave Chappelle. The audience does not.

The media is out of touch with America.

18 Comments on Remember the Lesbian Who Was Going To Revolutionize Comedy?

  1. The efforts of the wokeratti slaves to the enemies of the USA to gaslight the US public into embracing faggotry and simpering pussitude is so clumsy, obvious, and hamhanded that it’s not only debunking itself but having the opposite effect as intended. The last ten years of alphabet people bullshit and fagscism has converted me from someone who was perfectly fine with gays and gay marriage to someone who thinks that maybe the ragheads have a point when they toss these degenerates off rooftops.

    From what I’ve seen, the alphabet people’s reaction to acceptance and tolerance has been to attempt to convert our culture into being all about them… or else. Fuck these asshole then. It’s pretty clear that gays are class of people dedicated to corrupting themselves, everyone around them, and their culture at large, especially children.

  2. This Lesby skank said: …help people understand neurodiversity [ADHD and autism] as part of a normal variation of the human condition.

    I think not. It’s an evil affliction brought on when people toss God out of their lives.

  3. You got that right Mr. Mule!
    Call me a racist often enough for no reason and you might make me one.
    Call me a Homophobe often enough for no reason and you might make me one.
    Call me a (insert PC invective here) often enough for no reason and you might turn me into one! However as it turns out all these terms like Nazi, iSlamophobe, Klansman, White Supremacist, Misogynist, Sexist, Xenophobe, etc, have been so over-used you’d think half of them live in yer own neighborhood if you believed any of that shit! People are starting to realize that all this bizarre screaming from these bleating losers is ridiculous, made up bullshit, but you know what they say:
    A lie told often enough and it becomes the truth.
    Joseph Goebbels said that!

  4. “Another one I can’t stand who is not even funny is Paula Poundstone.”

    I remember her being convicted of child endangerment when she was caught drunk driving with foster kids in her care, I mean car, but wasn’t she also charged for pedophilia with a young girl? Never liked her as well.

  5. TheMule:
    “Fuck these asshole then”.

    No thanks. They would like that.

    Have you ever noticed that almost all female comedians are lesbian? I guess it’s true that testosterone is the humor hormone.

  6. I remember back in the eighties when Joan Rivers drove her husband to suicide just for her comedy/show host career. And she and her daughter took advantage of it in the press.


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