Remember when the left said they weren’t taking Trump’s vaccine? – IOTW Report

Remember when the left said they weren’t taking Trump’s vaccine?

10 Comments on Remember when the left said they weren’t taking Trump’s vaccine?

  1. And yet EVERY place that sells Ivermectin has some kind of warning about how it doesn’t work for Kung Flu. And antimalarials, and on and on.

    But we know they do work.

  2. I just went to the India website that sells Ivermectin and Hydroxy… and they don’t ship to Canada, so I guess I am tough out of luck.

    I can finally go to Michigan to visit my family, as the Canadian border just opened, but I wouldn’t be able to return to my home without proof of double vaccination, though as an expat I have lived here for over 25 years.

    So tired of this, but I will not get the jab.

  3. It’s so weird.
    If you say you will not get the vaccine because you are young enough that the virus likely won’t affect you too badly, and the long term effects of this new mRNA vaccine protocol are unknown, you are a virus spreading killer.
    Just eight months ago if you said you will not get the vaccine because President Trump was the one to bring it to market you were heroic.

  4. It’s not a vaccine.
    We need to quit calling it that.

    a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.”

    Since it neither “stimulates the production of antibodies” nor “provides immunity” it cannot be a vaccine – whatever it may, in fact, be.

    izlamo delenda est …


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