Rep. Lauren Boebert (R) has introduced legislation to abolish the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). The bill is H.R. 129 and it comes at a point when Republicans are just weeks away from holding the House, Senate and White House.
To dream the impossible dream…
Really, what good is the ATF if they ignore the illegals and imprison the citizens protecting their way of life. Imprison moonshiners, ignore fentanyl distributors. Kill the independent tobacco grower and ignore the fentanyl vapor distributors, arrest the AR15 owners and ignore the illegal weapons importer. The ATF would rather imprison the law abiding citizen instead of detaining the illegal.
Why now? So it will get tabled? why not wait until February?
There more suited to be clerks selling alcohol, tobacco and firearms…
Better priority: Get rid of the TSA and start profiling. It’ll force the airlines to start treating us like customers again. Besides, we stand a better chance of dying in a poorly-maintained airliner flown by a DEI hire or a pilot having been forced to take the coof shot, who now has a bad ticker.
The ATF is like a box of chocolates – they’ll kill your dog.
It’s a good start.
What needs to be done is get rid of the TSA’s function, especially the firearms part. Otherwise the FBI (or U.S. Marshalls or whoever) will become the enforcers. Better to focus on the underlying laws being enforced than which gang of thugs are the muscle.
When pigs fly.
But you get that on record, Lauren. That’s the kind of bullshit gets you re-elected on your ‘record’.
I’ll back any move like this. Even if it is gratuitous. It sets the stage. And besides I really want to own SBR’s without some stupid stamp.
KR starts business plan for a new convenience store…
Step 1: Seek ATF Trademark…
atf, fbi, tsa…all of u are useless assholes. keep up your ****** bullshit & see what happens.
But who will shoot the dogs?
Sourpuss—It’s actually safer and easier for the ATF to go after docile American citizens who are conditioned to obey laws and authority than it is to go after the feral scum, the drug and human traffickers, the weapons smugglers, etc. who already have no morals and would be more inclined to fight.
Then the left wing media dogpiles a private citizen and displays a rifle, shotgun and handgun with 500 rounds total and squall about the dangerous arsenal while clutching their pearls while ignoring bloodshead committed by the above mentioned criminals because it’s racis
^^^^ Local LE are pretty good at it. Cause they all gotta go home safe at night doncha know.
Sourpuss—It’s actually safer and easier for the ATF to go after docile American citizens who are conditioned to obey laws and authority than it is to go after the feral scum, the drug and human traffickers, the weapons smugglers, etc. who already have no morals and would be more inclined to fight.
Then the left wing media dogpiles a private citizen and displays a rifle, shotgun and handgun with 500 rounds total and squall about the dangerous arsenal while clutching their pearls while ignoring bloodshead committed by the above mentioned criminals because it’s racist and demeaning.
This is how our overlords work.
Dont know why I got a double post, but, oh well shit happens.
Since December 15, 1791 “the right of the people to keep and bear arms, “SHALL NOT” be infringed. The Agency has shit all over the Constitution and the rights of U.S. Citizens.
The 86 WACO women, men and children CRY OUT FROM THEIR GRAVES…. having a complete denial of their Constitutional Rights including the loss of the 86 WACO lives.
THE AFT was a major player in the miscarriage of Justice.
Shut down the bastard Agency and the Bastards who regulate our Constitutional Rights.