Report: James Comey Went Against Loretta Lynch on Sending Letter to Congress – IOTW Report

Report: James Comey Went Against Loretta Lynch on Sending Letter to Congress

Breitbart: FBI Director James Comey went against Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s advice on Friday when he sent a letter to Congress announcing that he is reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server after new evidence was discovered, according to the New Yorker.

“Coming less than two weeks before the Presidential election, Comey’s decision to make public new evidence that may raise additional legal questions about Clinton was contrary to the views of the Attorney General, according to a well-informed Administration official,” the New Yorker reports on Saturday. read more

23 Comments on Report: James Comey Went Against Loretta Lynch on Sending Letter to Congress

  1. Gettin too close to Barky.

    Lynch won’t allow that – and Comey the Clown knows it – this is “a sound and a fury, signifying nothing” that Comey the Clown has engineered (with Lynch’s and Obola’s approval) to try to maintain the pretense that the FBI is a crime-fighting outfit.

    He wouldn’t take a shit without her permission.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Well, I guess we now know who got there being paid, and who got there being played.

    (Though Tim’s probably right. Just because Comey stomps about being the only one who didn’t get a little sumpin’ sumpin’ for his help, doesn’t mean he’s actually gonna’ do the job.)

  3. Why didn’t Huma destroy all those e-mails? Did she know Hillary was going to lose the election and she would be out in the cold? Or worse? Did she want those e-mails found? All kinds of questions come to mind.

  4. Perhaps he actually sees that he was used as atool in his dismissal of the previous investigation and sees this as an opportunity to gain back some of his honor by actually following through. We’ll see.

    If he’s going against lynch this may be apossibility

  5. I still suspect they are laying diversion fire, because something really big is about to drop!

    However, I must say it is delightful to watch the liberal cockroaches scatter when the FBI light threatens to shine on heir $hi+!

    I love the standard line from Hilary: I found out about it when you did! Is that why the airplane’s wifi was taken down?

    Also, she didn’t miss a heartbeat (not that she has one) trying to make it partisan: Comey letter sent to only republican congressional members! Because, you Mafia witch, they were the COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN investigating ALL of your scandals!

  6. My theory (WAG) is they stumbled onto back channel communications between email addresses that they had not previously found, exposing an attempted and coordinated cover-up. This time, the rank and file investigators told Comey to pound sand on the FBI being a willing accomplice. Either he said something or they would.

    It’s as good a guess as any.

  7. I hope she loses the election in a landslide, the down ballot races go against the democraps all across the nation, and the communs….I mean democrap party ends up in tatters.
    The clinton machine could have avoided this entire mess if they (they are all implicated) had fessed up when the email issue first came up almost 2 years ago…

  8. Remember “Fitzmas?”

    For you kids, via Urban Dictionary…

    “Fitzmas” is the atmosphere of excitement and anticipation preceding the conclusion of Patrick Fitzgerald’s grand jury investigation into the Bush regime’s treason and perjury.”

    Have a happy Comeyween, everybody!

  9. Comey’s wife isn’t happy with him. When a guy loses the support of his wife he has problems. Also, it sounds like the FBI agents that were supposed to destroy the computers that belonged to Cheryl Mills didn’t destroy them, and there are large numbers of FBI agents turning in resignations. Comey must see this as his last chance to salvage some piece of mind.

  10. I wonder if Comey was tired from his under the bus ride.

    I always suspected he was trying to cover IS own butt, with the damning of Hillary speech before submitting to ORDERS from Obama/DOJ. Perhaps he just got sick and tired of Hillary using parts of his speech to say she was found innocent.

    We may never know the truth, because Comey will meet an untimely end or the Obama/Clinton/lynch thugs will pull the blackmail rug out from under him.

  11. read that the local ny police department investigating weiner’s computer notified the fbi. tweeted by a woman who was told this by local ny sources. if true, comey knew he couldn’t keep under wraps.

  12. Loretta Lynch is an abysmal woman, completely unqualified to be in charge of anything. Comey may be tossed under the bus, Lynch should be run over. Demand resignations.

  13. IT ALL leads back to Obie….that is why he is meddling and trying to save his own ass. Congress needs to start impeachment proceedings against Lynch and Obie. Too late to remove from office before their lease is up, but could be followed through afterward by President Trump. America demands to see the whole truth, and if it turns out Obie was not eligible for Prezzy, then every pardon, order, act, and ACA he has signed is null and void. We are tired of going along to get along with this traitor.

  14. It’s satisfying watching Hillary blame this new development on everyone except her own nefarious activities.
    And kind of fun seeing her having to confront the importance of having a secure email system.

  15. This is a diversion. It’s too late to make a difference. Wikileaks is getting too real, there’s something bigger happening we don’t know about yet, or the fix is in and plans are in place to prevent us peons from having any choice.

    I was on SR 9 in central Indiana Thursday and Friday and there was a convoy of armored military trucks southbound both days, probably headed for Atterbury. I saw at least 30 trucks each day. Don’t know if it’s significant.

  16. There is a guy named Hector Moreno, former US Mil., says the bombshell will land this week from wikileaks.

    He explains there are 2 oil pipelines that run through Syria. One goes from Qatar (originating in Qatar)
    & Saudi Arabia north to Russia through Syria. This is “owned” by Obama & Clinton, via the bribes to the Clinton Foundation. The other pipeline is Iran’s and it passes through Turkey & Syria. That is Putins pipeline.

    Qatar/Saudi Arabia are in competition with Iran on oil. They got Obama & Clinton to essentially create a war in Syria as an excuse to disrupt the Iranian pipeline flow and cause chaos in the region. Putin is having none of it. The kickbacks/bribes went to Clinton/Obama through the foundation.

    Maybe Iran got pissed and threatened them. That explains the untraceable billion dollar cash payment Obama made to Iran and all the other absurd concessions. But that doesn’t help Putin, he wants his oil. They are demonizing Putin & Trump hacking as a pretext to attack Russia. Now we understand why this criminal says she will shoot down Russian planes and start WW3. Her and Obama are on the verge of being exposed. Their freedom is worth a world war.

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