Report: Trump Bodyguard Testifies Russian Offered ‘Five Women’ To Trump, Was Rejected – IOTW Report

Report: Trump Bodyguard Testifies Russian Offered ‘Five Women’ To Trump, Was Rejected

Daily Caller: A Russian associate of Donald Trump’s attempted unsuccessfully to send “five women” to the real estate tycoon’s hotel room in Moscow in 2013, his longtime bodyguard reportedly told the House Intelligence Committee this week.

The offer was made after Trump attended a meeting ahead of the Miss Universe pageant, Keith Schiller told the committee in four hours of closed-door testimony, according to NBC News.

Schiller, who left a job at the White House in September, told the committee that he rejected the offer, saying, “we don’t do that kind of stuff.”

Schiller’s testimony, if true, would undercut a major allegation made in the infamous dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele. The document, which was funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC, alleges that Trump used prostitutes during a visit to Moscow in 2013 for the Miss Universe pageant.

The salacious report, which BuzzFeed published in January, alleges that Russian operatives filmed Trump’s encounter and has used the footage to blackmail the Republican.

In his testimony, Schiller reportedly said that he told Trump later that evening about the “five women” offer and that the pair laughed it off.


He said that he accompanied Trump back to his hotel room and stayed outside for a while before retiring to his own room. Schiller acknowledged that he was not with Trump the entire night but that he is confident that Trump slept alone.

Schiller also reportedly told the committee that he and Trump were aware that the Moscow hotel could be bugged. Trump has raised the same point in speeches denying the dossier allegations.  read more

11 Comments on Report: Trump Bodyguard Testifies Russian Offered ‘Five Women’ To Trump, Was Rejected

  1. Even if he were so inclined, DT is too savvy not to realize that his Moscow room is likely to be bugged with micro spycams, and probably by multiple different parties (Putin, rival competitors, vendors, ambitious contestants, hotel corporate security, freelance blackmailers on hotel staff, ad nauseum).

    And who falls for “free hookers”? Well, Obama’s moron cokesnorting secret service detail. But this is not exactly DT’s first overnight business trip away from home.

    So the DNC/HRC paid $12 million for a few pages of anonymous imaginary unverifiable barstool gossip from anonymous fictitious nobodies?

    Heck, call me next time. I can probably rattle off 10 or 12 pages of nonsensical anonymous gossip for MUCH less.
    I could bring in 10 pages for, oh, one million. Two million, tops, and that includes postage.

  2. FIVE women? In the words of Groucho Marx (as the above commenter):

    Mrs. Teasdale: This is a gala day for you.

    Firefly: Well, a gal a day is enough for me. I don’t think I could handle any more.

  3. @Mr. Anth Ropy,
    I salivate and my heart races at that thought.
    I didn’t remember the statement that candidate Trump made but it is clear. And gives me great hope: “If I win, I’m going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation…we’re going to have a special prosecutor,” Trump said.
    The rest we all remember:
    Clinton responded, “It’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.” Trump then interrupted and said: “Because you’d be in jail.” Trump’s statement was met with cheers and thunderous applause.

  4. Anonymous:
    IF that theory is true, it makes sense for Mueller to have Democrat lawyers join the investigation team. They can’t be accused of bias if they are the ones to expose the Clinton corruption.
    It all makes sense, yet I am skeptical. But President Trump has been pretty amazing.

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