Report: Twitter War Has California Democrat Sleeping With Gun By Her Bed – IOTW Report

Report: Twitter War Has California Democrat Sleeping With Gun By Her Bed

Daily Wire: A California congresswoman says she started sleeping with a 9-millimeter pistol by her bed after getting into a Twitter beef with a Central American leader.

U.S. Rep. Norma Torres, a Democrat from Pomona, California, told the Los Angeles Times that the social media feud with El Salvador President Nayib Bukele started after she spoke out about the migrant crisis. She said tensions have escalated to the point where she is concerned for her safety.

“I need to do everything I can do to protect myself in my home,” Torres said. more here

14 Comments on Report: Twitter War Has California Democrat Sleeping With Gun By Her Bed

  1. If she is really sleeping with a loaded 9mm pistol in her bed, she is likely breaking California law which requires guns to be kept locked up and out of reach. Will she be charged?

  2. Amateur.

    I’ve got a pistol under the pillow, a shotgun under the bed, a rifle in the closet, a Ka-Bar where I can reach it easily from the sleeping position, and some other surprises for unwanted nocturnal visitors, and that’s just MY side of the bed.

    …and I’m not even being hunted by El Salvadorans that I know of. Just a holdover from my recently departed city life, in a Democrat area, of course…

  3. Hey Torres, a tip from all of us here: as you’re falling asleep, make sure the gun is pointed at your head – but don’t forget to put your finger firmly on the trigger.

  4. She’s one of the elites and in legit fear for her life, so it’s totally O.K. for her to own an unsecured firearm in California. You serfs, on the other hand…

  5. So how’s it feel Congresswoman Torres? You and the dems have done the same thing to those who speak out against abortion, Biden, Harris, IRS, DOJ, the Clintons, Fauci, COVID, wearing masks, the 2020 election results. Wear the fear congresswoman, it fits you well.


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