Report: Ukraine Shoots Down its Own F-16 with Patriot Missile – IOTW Report

Report: Ukraine Shoots Down its Own F-16 with Patriot Missile


Ukraine ‘shot down their own F-16 fighter jet killing ace pilot ‘Moonfish’ in friendly fire blunder with US missile’

27 Comments on Report: Ukraine Shoots Down its Own F-16 with Patriot Missile

  1. HEROIC!

    Just pull the plug.

    As per REGAN/GORBECHEV they were supposed to REMAIN NEUTRAL FFS!

    and do you really want them folded in with NATO FORCES?

  2. Moonfish? What ever. I’ll guarantee you that F16 had the avionics and the countermeasures on board to evade that missile. What a waste of a really good air-frame.

  3. “Umm…we’re going to need another F-16, because we shot one down with a Patriot missile. And, uhh…we’re going to need some more Patriot missiles because, ummm…. “

  4. Our communist-sorry-fascist left is genuinely that effed up. You recall 0bama’s reverse Midas touch, and even overseas OUR missile smokes OUR airplane on order and authority of Biden’s fascist government. The trigger finger on the missile was trained by US and the pilot running the obsolete jet was trained by US.

    The American left has descended into a vicious parody of an example of fumblefucking evil incompetently dispatching innocent and not so innocent people to death, dismemberment, mental destruction and depravity. It MUST be stopped, it and all its enablers claiming to be other than card carrying fascists… look in at you McConnell, eyepatch McStain, Cheney, Romney, etc etc etc, there’s a LOT of ‘em.

  5. ^^^^^
    Maybe. My youngest son and his wife purchased their first home in a started community. Average home price is around 750K. Lot’s of Indians from India which they say are great people. Also lots of Ukrainian Nationals that never leave their homes. Who’s paying for them and how many more are they. I had to get my DL renewed about 18 months ago. The day I made my “Appointment” the place was stacked full of peeps I originally thought were Russians. Nope. Ukes. I heard them declare. And they all had official paper work.

  6. A bit more serious and questionable than shooting oneself in the foot. Any dumb turd can do that. I think, and maybe I’m wrong in thinking that shooting down one of your own aircraft during wartime might require some brains and planning.

    It gives the penis piano player an excuse for demanding more US money to buy more F-16s. Or, maybe he wants the US to ship them over for free and eliminate all the rules and paperwork and electronic money trails and federal lawyers and accountants and auditors and finance guys sticking their faces into “none of their business”.


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