Republicans And Democrats Debate Gun Registration Ahead Of House Gun Control Votes – IOTW Report

Republicans And Democrats Debate Gun Registration Ahead Of House Gun Control Votes


WASHINGTON, D.C.—House Republicans and Democrats traded gun control policy barbs Tuesday, in back-to-back press conferences on Capitol Hill.

The Bipartisan Background Checks bill (HR 8), largely Democrat legislation co-sponsored by just five House Republicans and 227 Democrats, is spearheaded by Democratic California Rep. Mike Thompson.

Despite its name, the five Republican co-sponsors—Pennsylvania Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, Florida Rep. Brian Mast, Michigan Rep. Fred Upton, New Jersey Rep. Chris Smith and New York Rep. Peter King—did not appear at Tuesday’s press conference with their Democratic colleagues touting the merits of the legislation.

The Enhanced Background Checks Bill (HR 1112), introduced by South Carolina Democrat Rep. Jim Clyburn, would remove the three-day provision under the federal firearms background check system that prevents the government from authorizing an open-ended wait of legal firearm purchases. more here

16 Comments on Republicans And Democrats Debate Gun Registration Ahead Of House Gun Control Votes

  1. I wish one of the registration proponents would explain exactly why and how -the actual mechanics of it, not some fantasy stuff- gun registration would do anything about gun violence.

    Maybe they could point out how mandatory gun registration of all firearms in Mexico is preventing it there.

    But they won’t, the usual is to just make nice utopian sounding claims that have no relation to, or influence in, the real world that people have to live in on a daily basis.

  2. …I carry in MY church, @Left Coast Dan. My pastor KNOWS it and approves, as required by Ohio law to keep it from being a felony. There never WAS a debate, since my pastor is a blood-bought, Bible-believing Christian, and so knows that the Lord commanded even His apostles to go arm up because of how the world would treat THEM for HIS name sake…

    “36 Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

    37 For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me, And he was reckoned among the transgressors: for the things concerning me have an end.

    38 And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he said unto them, It is enough.”

    -Luke 22:36-38.

    …there’s a TON more in the Old Testament on self-defense, but most gun haters will say anything, including “the Old Testament doesn’t matter” because they hate gun owners, so this is the best RED LETTER quote on the subject. Perhaps it can help you in these “debates”.

    God bless, SNS.

  3. And again……. which part of “the people’s right shall not be infringed” do they……. aw forget it! It is about people control NOT gun violence.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. This reminds me of an editoral cartoon from when Kerry was Secretariat of State.

    He’s standing between a so-called Palestinian and an Israeli. The so-called Palestinian is shouting “Death to Israel!” and Kerry tells the Israeli, “Can’t you meet him halfway?”

    Leftist Democrats have already told us thy want us dead or in internment camps. I’m not meeting them halfway.

  5. I have a relative who is in charge of security at his church. Whenever I visit, I never am concerned about ‘something’ happening. No one knows who they are. Many of them (who carry) are ex-military.

  6. …we refer to select CCW’s as “sheepdogs”. Plans have been discussed ahead of time for protection of the Church.

    The pastor’s job is to feed and lead the flock, so he doesn’t need any distractions from that. The sheepdogs sit with the flock and listen to the pastor and are otherwise normal members of the congregation, but if a coyote is a threat to the flock or the pastor, the coyote WILL feel their teeth…


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