Researchers at Georgetown Claim Joe Biden’s Free College Plan Will Pay for Itself – IOTW Report

Researchers at Georgetown Claim Joe Biden’s Free College Plan Will Pay for Itself

Legal Insurrection: Doesn’t it seem coincidental that these researchers are saying this right before the 2020 election?

Campus Reform reports:

Profs claim Joe Biden’s free college plan will pay for itself. Other experts disagree.

Researchers from Georgetown University are claiming that Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden’s “free” public college plan would pay for itself within ten years.

According to the “Biden Plan for Education beyond High School,” a Biden administration would make public colleges and universities tuition-free for families with incomes below $125,000. As “part of Senator Sanders and Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal’s College for All Act of 2017,” this plan “will help roughly 8 out of every 10 families.” more here

24 Comments on Researchers at Georgetown Claim Joe Biden’s Free College Plan Will Pay for Itself

  1. When a government program is promoted as going to “pay for itself” you know that it will be really expensive and will require more and more taxes from you as it progresses.

  2. Joe needs to think bigger. Cover all students in college and university. Free education through doctorates. Think of how smart everyone will be! We won’t need fracking or stock markets then. I got your fracking stock market right here, man!

  3. “Free” means the taxpayers pay for it.

    Taxpayers paying for it means no one person can choose to not pay for dramatic price increases or making schools competitive.

    It’s a license to steal where no one is the advocate for the taxpayer. Like public service unions.

    Except this is a blank check to tge Hate America incubators. Stealing from Americans too teach their kds to Hate America.

  4. You want the cost of education to come down? Get the government the hell out of it. Same with health care. Free markets rule. When the government gets involved it turns into a shit show.

  5. Sure Georgetown, and it goes like this: tuition at zero dollars for ALL students, all professors salary is GS-1, department heads too. Perhaps pay the dean’s as GS-5. ALL endowments and trusts are surrendered to the Treasury Department…. no more activity fees, so no more college sports (pity. Not.).

  6. Where can I score a federal research grant and claim that JDHasty is actually Cleopatra Queen of the Nile? My claim has a better chance of proving true than this abject horse shit.

  7. Like nobody’s heard this claptrap before. And the end result you might ask? Thousands of barely literate brainwashed idiots who can’t even make change while running the cash register at Starsmucks.

  8. Crazy Joe’s free college plan will not only pay for itself but also assures that each and every taxpayer will get a $100,000 refund for prior money spent/wasted on higher education (I can dream can’t I)!

  9. Here’s an idea: Instead of the recipients of college loans simply owing the money, make them sign on as indentured servants to the tune of, say, one year servitude for every $10,000 in debt. Their service could then be anything from prison guard to garbage man. Oops, garbage person.

  10. You would just be codifying Pay To Play. Lori Loughlinism.

    Everyone is equal, some more equal than others.

    The apparatchik would receive preference based on your Social Justice credit rating.

    Now is the time to destroy the college system not to invest in it.

  11. Just your basic load of crap from those that would actually benefit hugely from this sort of government welfare program. This would cheapen the value of a real degree to the point where it has no more actual worth then a high school diploma. I wonder how many lawyers who have their degrees don’t actually practice law because there are no jobs out there for them.

    At some point somebody with a bag of cash will establish a University that doesn’t have any sort of affirmative action programs, won’t tolerate politically correct bullshit or social justice warriors or safe spaces etc etc etc but will provide the best teachers (highly paid because they are highly talented), the best and toughest programs, students that are chosen because of actual ability and desire to succeed, the best facilities. A place where a degree is worth its weight in gold because a prospective employer knows just how superior a graduate is and will actively fight to hire them. Best of all it would not rely on any government (federal or state) money whatsoever. This is where somebody like Jeff Bezos and his ex-wifey could establish a huge respected legacy if they weren’t such progressive, lefty-like assholes.

  12. There are between 1.5M and 1.8M professors (not including grad students, etc), so let’s go with 1.7M. The average pay between $50K and 90K, so let’s say about $70K.
    If we ignore other college and university staff, that comes to $119B a year (not including benefits) just to pay the teachers.
    Let’s be conservative and assume other expenses that the colleges incur will match the teacher pay and also add 30% to the teachers for their benefits (again, a very conservative number).
    Going with 158M working citizens.
    If my math is correct, that is about an extra $1732 that every working person in the country would have to pay every year for the FREE college tuition.

  13. Window Company Collection Dude: “M’am it’s been a year and you haven’t paid for the windows we installed.”

    Blond: “The salesman said they’d pay for themselves!”

    izlamo delenda est …


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