Rosa DeLauro Tries To Define Her Opposition – IOTW Report

Rosa DeLauro Tries To Define Her Opposition

Out of the wreckage that was the non-vote on Obamacare Repeal and Replace came one wonderfully demented piece of insanity from Connecticut’s own crazy cat lady, Representative Rosa DeLauro. Watch her addressing her colleagues in the House.





32 Comments on Rosa DeLauro Tries To Define Her Opposition

  1. Rosa DeLauro is a geezer herself, she’s a fool but what else is new. And since I’m 64 I qualify for senior citizen status, being an almost geezer and an old fart. And AARP can go to Hell as far as I am concerned, I’ve hated them since I turned 50 and they started sending me their propaganda crap. I’ll join AMAC instead.

  2. Sorry.
    I’m a certified old person and am far more worried about statist totalitarianism than the amateurish Keystone-Kops shenanigans of the Ryan Mensheviks.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Rosa De Lauro – I know, I know. Low hanging fruit. Low hanging butt-ugly fruit. I understand De Lauro spends most of her salary on a fancy wardrobe. That’s like putting a tiny easter hat on your carbuncle.
    Honest Don aka BFH

  4. Have Rosa DeLauro & Maxine Waters ever been photographied together ?
    Just saying, different appearance, same nutty thoughts.

    otoh, the Demonrats do stick to their long range plan.
    How can Rosa believe GOP = get old people, and have any real concern they’d actually get ’em? Does the GOP follow through on anything?

    The GOP has been saying for 6 years – vote for us we will repeal Obamacare. Fear not.
    The voters gave ’em everything they said they needed. And they didn’t do it.

    The analysis seems to be the GOP never sticks to their claimed plan very long. Just long enough to get elected.
    After getting elected, they lose their backbone, for-get-about-it.
    Or they just become extraordinarily skilled at shooting themselves in the foot or shooting off their pecker, if they ever had one.

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