Rumor: McCain To Resign Senate Seat on the 4th of July – IOTW Report

Rumor: McCain To Resign Senate Seat on the 4th of July Senator John McCain will resign his US Senate seat on July 4, 2018, says an aide who asked not to be named because he was not authorized to speak to the press.

“In the end, it was about Kennedy resigning from the Supreme Court,” said the aide. “Confirming a (SCOTUS) replacement before the election is considered in the interest of the national Republican party, so that it doesn’t become an issue for Dems to run on in every race,” said the aide, meaning every race for Senate or Congress.

The Aide indicated that the Senator wanted to wait until June 1 to resign, so that his seat would not be on the ballot along with retiring Jeff Flake. Republican Gov. Doug Ducey will appoint a Senator to serve until the 2020 election.

The aide said that Ducey has quietly offered McCain’s seat to Cindy, but the 64 year old wife of Senator John McCain has made no decision as of yet. “Understandably, she doesn’t want to think about it,” he added.  more here

31 Comments on Rumor: McCain To Resign Senate Seat on the 4th of July

  1. why is it that all those that are not authorized to speak do the most speaking? Just keep your mouth closed and let the person involved speak for themselves. Although they usually don’t have much to say that interests me. 🙁

  2. So, if the report is true, he was a total crap bag right til the end.

    And, also if true about the offer to Cindy, they absolutely have “thought about it”. Why else do this? They certainly weren’t worried about spending quality family time together–he could have resigned at any time in the last two or so years. Nope. They planned to use this illness and resignation in the most political way possible…to hurt Trump and by extension all Republicans. What better way to damage the Right than to grandstand about the SCOTUS appointment, while putting Cindy in place to thwart it? Double bang for his buck. Awful.

  3. Mr. McCain, do not procrastinate, resign today. Don’t wait.

    Governor Ducey, under no conditions should you even consider appointing
    Cindy McCain to the senate. There are much better and more conservative candidates available.

  4. If Doucy offers the seat to McCains wife then he better make plans to retire himself because I suspect he won’t get the nomination next time around. A strong conservative Senator is needed not some some widow with bones to pick.

  5. Who do I gotta pay to stop the Michelle Obama popups on iotw?

    I pray that MCC does not pass on July 4 like Thomas Jefferson , John Adams, and James Monroe.

  6. They want to appoint his wife, cindy.
    Now there are qualities of compassion and fidelity. Her frickin’ husband is dying of cancer, and she is going to become a senator, spending time in DC. Yeah, there is a quality individual.

  7. There’s so much douche here the whole thing reeks of strawberries. First, he should have resigned long ago, but continued to collect a paycheck off the taxpayers that he was no longer representing. Then he tries to make himself out to be noble by saying it’s about the supreme court? And they’re considering nominating his wife? If they had wanted to nominate her (crappy idea), that should have been done so that the voters could elect a new senator this November.

  8. Glad I left the Christmas lights up. They are red, white and blue. Awesome July 4th present. Have the arrangements for Porta potties been made to “Honor” his final resting place with? Be glad to set-up a GOF*ckU fund for it. And no Cindy, this is not a position by proxy.

  9. He prefers the 4th? And I’d prefer to douse him with gasoline, run him up a flagpole and light a sparkler in his ass.

    It would precisely demonstrate the regard that traitorous scumbag deserves.

  10. Cindy McCain? Really? The only thing on her resume that I can see that qualifies her for the senate is she was addicted to pain killers and went through rehab. What a friggin joke.

  11. Ducey – replace this embarrassment with a real conservative.
    The Southern AZ district has been mis-represented by McStain for at least 8 years…and has not been represented at all by the AWOL Senator for almost a year.

  12. If Ducey can be confirmed to have offered the throne to any of McCain’s kin or kith, he should find himself in the middle of a spontaneous sofball game.

  13. I am not sure Cindy would not be worse than John. She will also be a no show until John takes a dirt nap so she is useless to represent Arizona.

  14. When you are a narcissist with terminal cancer who hates America, your only card left to play – after you’ve announced your funeral plans – is to announce your retirement. The maverick needs his spotlight.

    It is better to have a voting senator, but I don’t think Trump will need a McCain replacement to get his SCOTUS pick confirmed.


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