Russian Monger Stories Being Supplied By Obama’s Insiders – IOTW Report

Russian Monger Stories Being Supplied By Obama’s Insiders

Russian Monger Stories Being Supplied By Obama’s Insiders—> The New York Times reports that before leaving office President Obama made sure to push as much intelligence as possible about Russia into the executive branch, leaving it for his minions to later leak the details once the new president assumed office.





17 Comments on Russian Monger Stories Being Supplied By Obama’s Insiders

  1. But he left the letter “T” on all the WH keyboards, so it’s a wash.

    I hope he’s up to two packs a day now. And getting recorded on his secret gay meetups.

  2. “Politics ain’t beanbag.”
    (Dead White Dude)

    When you are striving to enslave the entire World, should you pull your punches?

    Obola KNOWS what the fight is about – Globaloney-ism, State-ism, Inter-National Socialism – LITERALLY – enslaving the whole of humanity!

    The Republicans (generally speaking) think it’s about hanging onto their sinecures – ideology be damned (watch – President Trump will have more trouble out of the RINOs than out of the screaming Bandar-Log socialists).

    When you don’t know the game, it’s difficult to win.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Meanwhile, back at the complicit Media ranch (pieces of shit that they are), they don’t dare remind the American People of Hillary’s stupid Russian “Reset” Button, The Øbamboozler’s so-called “Flexibility” and Claire McCaskill’s meetings (yes, plural) with Russian ambassadors!!

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