The Communist Party of Russia has applied for international copyright protection for the five-pointed red star that has represented their movement for nearly 100 years.
They take issue with the commercial use of the red star by businesses like Heineken, Macy’s and Italian mineral water bottler Pellegrino.
If they haven’t made an effort to defend their symbol in 100 years, they’re going to find it pretty hard to establish ownership of it now. I’d expect a court would find it’s been in the public domain for years.
The irony has not been lost on The People’s Cube, which has come up with a reasonable substitution Here
Someone needs to warn The People’s Cube.
They’re going to have to sue the U.S. Navy then:
My next-to-last duty stathon
Unless I’m mistaken, I believe the use of the Heineken red star (1873) predates the creation of the Soviet Union (1922). The Commies should shut up, have a beer, and chill out, lest they wind up getting sued by Heineken for copyright infringement.
The commie symbol should really be a black hole. It sucks in all matter and light and never allows anything to get back out.
Are copyright laws international? I thought they would be specific to each country. Maybe I’m showing my ignorance.
@The-Mamomma there are agreements between nations to recognize the intellectual property rights granted in other countries. Copy right and trade mark are the easy one to agree on, patents and proprietary knowledge aren’t as universally protected.
In that case, I’m failing to see their problem.
Whining about copyright infringement is so …
bourgeoisie …
izlamo delenda est …
Sorry, Russia, you didn’t build that.
Tim, maybe Mr. Simonov should sue Mr. Kalishnikov over copying part of his gas system design.
The irony is lost on the commies that copyright and patent protection are antithetical to classic communist doctrine and theory.
Ornery 1,
My thought too. A country, Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republic, that followed and enforced a set of beliefs that denied its citizens property rights, now wants to enforce property rights for itself? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Dear Russia,
Here’s a dollar (inflation), call someone who cares.
Communist Party: “You can’t use that star design! It’s our intellectual private prop…oops, never mind.”