Santa Barbara City College Board Reinstates Pledge of Allegiance Amid Backlash – IOTW Report

Santa Barbara City College Board Reinstates Pledge of Allegiance Amid Backlash

Breitbart Tech:

President of the Santa Barbara City College Board of Trustees, Robert Miller, has decided to reinstate the Pledge of Allegiance at board meetings, amid backlash for his decision to ban the pledge after claiming it is racist and in violation of the constitution.

Miller announced last week that he had decided to discontinue the Pledge of Allegiance at Santa Barbara City College (SBCC) board meetings, on the grounds that he believes the pledge is racist, as well as in violation of the First Amendment.

“I decided to discontinue use of the Pledge of Allegiance for reasons related to its history and symbolism,” said Miller in an email, “I have discovered that the Pledge of Allegiance has a history steeped in expressions of nativism and white nationalism.”

“I also object to the phrase ‘one nation under God,’” continued Miller, “The First Amendment not only protects freedom of speech and religion [but] it also expressly prohibits laws that establish religion.”

Miller’s decision caused backlash, and one professor, Celeste Barber, attended a January 24 Board meeting to speak out against the pledge ban. As Barber addressed the Board, she was interrupted and mocked by students, who so happened to be present at the meeting to protest a separate issue.  more here

5 Comments on Santa Barbara City College Board Reinstates Pledge of Allegiance Amid Backlash

  1. I got a few trees in the back yard that dropped their brown leaves last autumn.
    I guess they’re “racist” too.
    I invite the Santa Barbara City College board to come over to talk to my trees and set them straight…


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