School Says All Threats Must Be Taken Seriously… Seriously?? – IOTW Report

School Says All Threats Must Be Taken Seriously… Seriously??

(NEWSER) – Did a Texas school go a little too far over a boy’s magical threat? Kermit Elementary School suspended 9-year-old Aiden Steward for making “terroristic threats” when, soon after seeing The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, he told a classmate last week that he could make him disappear with a magic ring like the one in the movie, Raw Story reports. Of course the ring was not, as the boy claimed, the “one ring to rule them all” forged in Mount Doom, but Aiden’s father tells the Odessa American that the school informed him that all threats, even fantastical ones, had to be taken seriously.

The father says he doesn’t understand why the school didn’t just send a letter home with the fourth-grader instead of removing him from school. “Kids act out movies that they see. When I watched Superman as a kid, I went outside and tried to fly,” the father tells the New York Daily News. “I assure you my son lacks the magical powers necessary to threaten his friend’s existence,” he says. “If he did, I’m sure he’d bring him right back.”

22 Comments on School Says All Threats Must Be Taken Seriously… Seriously??

  1. lolol, avgdude12 or even an Andrew Dice Clay joke:

    “Was it because of a protest or because of guys out for a walk one night who decided to kill some Americans, what difference at this point does it make? Now get over here and blow me.”

  2. Parents, get your kids out of govt schools. Failure to do so is skirting might close to child abuse.

    FYI, click here for mug shots of the Kermit administrators. The elementary school phone number is (432) 586-1020, and the principal’s name is Roxane Greer. Vice principals are Sonia Gonzales and Danny Camp.

    I’d suggest giving the school a call to warn them that you just heard through your tooth radio that space aliens are about to turn all school staff into newts, but I’m afraid that anybody doing that might be disappeared on terrorism charges and sent to Gitmo.

  3. For the love of Christ!

    When I was in grade school I took my bullwhip to school and got it taken away after administering a little frontier justice. All they did was take it away and make my mother come down to the school to fetch it back.

    I think I got spanked with a paddle too, but everybody knew that it wasn’t anything to make a federal case out of.

    Although it has been about fifty years, I am fairly certain that I would never bullwhip someone just for the hell of it, the little bastard must have needed a good bullwhippin’.

    The whole Goddamned country has been taken over by a bunch of killjoys.

    My buddy was called by the school a couple weeks ago because his kid climbed a tree. Climbed a damn tree. Like in jumped up and caught the first branch and then climbed up into a tree. So he said: tell him to climb back down. But they had already called the fire and rescue, but by the time they got there the kid was back on terra firma. So the next thing they were going to suspend the kid until his dad said: show me where there is a policy prohibiting a kid from climbing a tree.

  4. All National Education Association teachers are familiar with the Great Pedagogue & Master Druid Merlin’s observation that “Any sufficiently reliable magic is indistinguishable from technology.”

    It’s in all the syallbi of Teacher’s College’s & they got it direct from Hogwart’s.

    We’re doomed.

  5. Just try to imagine what these ass-scratching, finger-sniffing, Dipshits running this school were like 40 years ago when they were getting pantsed and ridiculed for being … uh… guess whut… Dipshits!

  6. Makes me utterly ashamed that I belong to the same teaching profession as these idiots. Glad I work in a school that still lets kids play dodge ball, tag, has a fully function “monkey” bar playground outside, has nerf gun wars in the gym. When I hear about this bullshit I sometimes want to cry. I feel so sorry for the kids.

  7. Wow, I must have a “666” tattooed on me somewhere, because this is the kind of stunt that I pulled every other week. And if it wasn’t me it was one of my classmates! Our teachers must have been absolutely terrified of us (NOT). Hell, sometimes they played along with it, like when I told my kindergarten teacher that I went to court to change my name to Steve Austin (the Six Million Dollar Man, for those too young or old LOL), and she called me Steve the rest of the day–that was cool. When I brought in my rubber Jaws shark in 2nd grade and made like it was biting my best friend in the ass, the teacher told me to put it away. THAT WAS IT. We are doomed.

  8. This is the real 1984, and it’s not love that’s being punished; it’s because he’s a boy who they want to pussy whip so much that he comes out totally sissified that he’ll want to be a woman by the time he’s forty. It’s time to knock the women on their asses and kick the manginas in thier balls, and take back the manhood,

  9. My grade school principal had a LARGE wooden paddle hanging on the wall beside his desk – with speedholes drilled in it, for EXTRA aerodynamics.

    A well-WORN paddle, I might add. And nobody threatened ANY adults in MY school. And if you had a beef with another student, you settled it on the playground AFTER school, with FISTS. And after THAT, it was DONE.

    I think there’s more psychologists in elementary schools these days, than students! 😳

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