You knew Scott Jennings would have an an opinion on the ridiculous woke scolding President Donald Trump, Vice President JD Vance and their families endured on Tuesday. The ‘sermon’ happened at Washington’s National Cathedral. We covered the story here. Jennings discussed the creepy church service with his fellow panel guests on CNN. He wasn’t too happy about it.
Apparently, President Trump knew something was up before the Bishop spoke. more
Just more LSDBLT propaganda…
It could be worse. She could be a Fire Queef. But what is she going to do when the First National Church of Karen becomes a mosque?
If I were President Trump I would have farted loudly once or twice.
Good thing, I’m NOT President Trump and he has far more class than I do.
Perhaps the “Bishop” should open the bible every now and then….
Almighty God made two biological sexes….please STOP using the manipulative and erroneous term “gender”!
Almighty God must surely despise trans behavior….mutilating the temple that is our body is a grave sin. Harming children borders on unforgivable.
Almighty God does NOT support sodomy or lesbianism, period. Men and women are two separate, equally important, halves of a much greater whole.
Almighty God does NOT support trespassing, law breaking, criminals….please STOP using the fallacious and inaccurate term immigrant/migrant!
Almighty God has a much higher standard for those who call themselves men/women of God….the Bishop is both blasphemous and heretical! May God have mercy on her soul!
Why is the National Cathedral Episcopalian?? Might as well be the church of satan.
The Episcopalian Church leadership would be well-served to read and take to heart Jesus’ letters to the seven Churches from Revelations Chapter 2 and 3. They have become the modern day equivalent of the Church of Laodicea.
piss-in-a-pail assholes, sk dk
Democrats, leftists and the woke bring dishonor to themselves consistently and attempt to demean and embarrass conservatives every chance they get. Instead of conveying the message that they are morally and intellectually superior and that their ideology is better, they show how arrogant and foolish they really are and, to their blind dismay, wonder why more people are abandoning them.
That is a big reason why most of my worshipping is done in my head.
To many in the Clergy seem to want to dissect and reinterpret the scripture rather than teach it as written.
Bar all government employees from that church.
It is being run by a bunch of Satanists and our Republic cannot be influenced by the likes of evil. That church and the ‘Bishop’ need to have an exorcism.
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them
Leviticus 20:13
Comet Pizza Cathredral
Well, at least they’re not Methodists.
Uncle Al, that’s funny.
The problem for most clergy is that the sheeple out there are no longer mostly illiterate.
Clergy could get away with heresies when they were the few that could read.
Most clergy today are ill-trained and stricken with the same narcissism that is endemic to modern society.
This woman is so lost in mental illness and Marxist indoctrination it’s consumed her. She no longer has an ear to hear the true Gospel and accept the salvation of the Lord.
Blinded by Satan’s lies she has little to no hope to be redeemed. Yet, God exposed her corrupt, evil ways, for Christians to pray she has one more chance to know God in Christ before Satan can claim her as a burning pronouned fool in Hell.