Seattle’s occupied zone sees chaos, assaults, and medical emergencies overnight – IOTW Report

Seattle’s occupied zone sees chaos, assaults, and medical emergencies overnight

The Post Millennial: The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) has descended into even more chaos this week, as their “justice system” openly assaulted a journalist and their Antifa medics were forced to rush someone out of the zone due to a medical emergency.

The zone’s justice system is “patrolled” by so-called “warlord” Raz Simone, who had gathered a group of enforcers to attempt to enforce some order amidst the chaos. This despite the group’s insistence that law enforcement should not handle social problems.

The self-appointed law enforcement troops of the CHAZ appear to be opposed to the presence of journalist in the Zone.

“One of Raz Simone’s crew just assaulted a journalist for filming at CapHill,” tweeted OAN’s Jack Posobiec, who later revealed that he had been embedded in the CHAZ.  

In a separate incident, a 19-year-old engaged in a scuffle with the self-appointed enforcers over stolen cash and car keys. After the young man pleaded that he was only 19, the security detail can be heard saying they do not care. There’s more

SEE ALSO: VIDEO: Warlord “Raz from CHAZ” Caught on Video Handing Out AR15s to Random Young Activists.

23 Comments on Seattle’s occupied zone sees chaos, assaults, and medical emergencies overnight

  1. If anyone finds the video of some CHAZian crying about his car getting broken into (and cash stolen) while CHAZ security just sat and watched, please link it in the comments. Thanks.

  2. Truth be told, 5 or 6 good Pistolero’s with about 5 mags a piece could clean that shit up quick. It will never happen, but the cell phone videos would be awesome.

  3. Fook’em.
    Set up a perimeter 1/2 mile out. NO MEDIA, NO FOOD, NO ASSISTANCE of any kind. Arrest anyone leaving that doesn’t have valid ID to live in that area. Or, take all their cloths, give them a Trump shirt and hat and send’em back in.

  4. They’ve renamed themselves to “CHAP” – “Capitol Hill Autonomous Protest.”

    Well, CHAP their ass!

    A lot of people here are on the verge of mental breakdowns.

  5. Was thinking how relatively easy it would be to put together a 1000+ watt audio system and flush those 10 square city blocks with simulated machine gun fire. Make the rats run out of there.

  6. And where the HELL are all those DARPA broadcast mob control tools we’ve heard so much about. VHF and VLF radiation that makes the target think it’s on fire or, supposedly, makes the target crap in its pants? Seems like a really good, practical test site.

  7. Just handing that firearm off to another individual is a violation of the law in Washington State. Didn’t make sure he took the required pre transfer class for a semi auto either.

  8. Sorry, I didn’t mean “here-here.” I meant “here-there.” I live one county to the north. I’m running into fruitcakes in every store I visit, plus some store managers are acting like they’re off their rockers, too. The mental disorder of Liberalism accelerated by a fraudulent pandemic, shutdowns, economic collapse and now riots.

  9. TPTB are letting them be until they implode. It looks like their Utopia is becoming a living hell. I wonder how soon the ring leader will be assasinated from within? A coup within a coup. This is fun to watch. Allow them to fail, their fantasies are going to be short lived.

  10. Yes, CHAZ is unique among societies. No crime, no poverty, no disease, no envy, covetousness, anger, or hatred.

    I saw this Tweet this morning from a citizen of CHAZ:

    “Lock/Secure you tents before leaving it! Carry your valuable with you at all times

    Disclosure: This happened 2 hours ago, and I’m still recovering from shock as all my valuable have been stolen.”

    You have to see the rest of the Tweet AND THE COMMENTS!

    The ‘council’ people are probably among the thieves — “nearby”.

  11. @Molon — Yeah, that one was really funny!

    I’m just bowled over by how naive these kids are. They honestly believe that all their expensive gear is going to be untouched by all those fellow travelers? It’s a tough lesson on the depredations of human behavior, but I suppose it could have been worse. I sure wouldn’t be in CHAZ after dark if I was an unarmed woman. I have a feeling some of those boys missed the class on “consensual sex.”

    They make me think of the horror stories of freshman year and the first time away from mom and dad. Some kids just go off the rails when there’s no one to tell them “not in my house, you don’t!”.


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