Secret Service Can’t Figure Out Who’s the West Wing Cokehead – IOTW Report

Secret Service Can’t Figure Out Who’s the West Wing Cokehead


Well, I guess that’s that.  The top men in charge of investigating the cocaine that was found in the west wing of the White House have said it was too difficult to figure out where it came from. The case is now closed. More

24 Comments on Secret Service Can’t Figure Out Who’s the West Wing Cokehead

  1. Secret Service Spokestwaddle:

    It is highly possible, even probable, that the President’s dog carried the cocaine into the White House. Of course there will be a hearing and if the dog is found guilty he may have to pay a big fine and will likely go to the dog pound to serve time, which could be up to 25 years.

    Let no one say the federal government is soft on crime.

  2. Man I’m tired of trailer trash living in our White House. The Secret Service has lost all integrity. MTG is reporting this is the third time that drugs have been found in the White House.

  3. SS’s job is to protect the Usurper. PERIOD.
    They are protecting him and his.
    That’s their job – that’s what they do (outside of copping coke for Hunter).

    I can’t believe that anyone is naive enough to expect any other result.

    The Republic is dead. The WEF and Globaloneyists are scavenging the carcass.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Doesn’t anyone recall that Willie Nelson claimed to have smoked weed with Bill Clinton on the roof of the White House?

    How’d they get up there without the knowledge and consent of the SS? Huh?
    You think the SS just left Bill Clinton alone with a doped up singer?
    And that was what? 30 years ago?

    The SS has been corrupt since its inception.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I honestly believe Joe Biden tried cocaine recently to get him energetic. Remember the videos of him talking without blinking? Obviously Jill Biden was involved – she’s complete scum.

  6. Where The FUCK are ALL the ‘Republicans’ we busted our ass for, electing them to office, that should be leading the charge against all these liberal, commies??

    We already elected them to office, are we also to provide their testicles????

  7. Hunter is too obvious.

    Try Kamala. She always seems high.
    Kringe Jean Pierre?
    Buttigieg. Homos like them some mind altering substances.
    Navy dude in the dress. I can’t remember his/her name and don’t care.
    Basically all of the misfits and psychopaths in the White House.
    Secret Secret is totally afraid of this hot potato and SS has been corrupted too. Oh by the way SS now stands for Sgt. Schultz. I see nothing.

  8. Easy peasy, a dump supporter who else. Never ever underestimate the criminal mind of a MAGAt follower. Nothing is a so called hit below the belt, for they steal elections/electors & lie like no tomorrow.

  9. Oh, the SS agent know damn well whose coke that is. They really didn’t need fingerprints all over the bag and nose hair inside the bag. They also know that if they say one thing they’re going to be assigned to Biden’s diaper detail.


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