Security Guard Provides Actual Security After Man Walks Into Business With a Knife – IOTW Report

Security Guard Provides Actual Security After Man Walks Into Business With a Knife

I like how he drags the trash out.

28 Comments on Security Guard Provides Actual Security After Man Walks Into Business With a Knife

  1. Bull!!!! There’s only one reason that gestapo guard punched that human being, and that is because he’s black. Critical Race Theory (which we all know is a fact) NOW!!!!!

  2. Who are you really, LTL? You have to be an alter-ego of a regular here. That comment was so stupid that it was comical – intended to elicit a response. C’mon man, fess up.

  3. Stirrin’: I spend a lot of time on Quora. Unfortunately, that sort of logic is widespread. I have not seen that particular item, but I see stupid crap like that quite often. Did you know that the Biden administration is settling things down and bringing the country back to normal after the chaos of the Trump administration?

  4. DavidW October 24, 2021 at 2:16 pm –
    “…I assume the man with the knife assumed that just by having the knife everyone would be too afraid to do anything…”

    Well, you know what they say about assuming. Do I have to say it?

    Interestingly, you have a double assumption in your comment. Do they negate one another or does one magnify the other? I ponder that question.

  5. Stirrin’: You commented how LtL’s comment was stupid as to be comical. I was just saying that there are a lot of people out there who ARE that stupid and DO make comments like that. It is rather scary, really.

  6. Appears to be in (no-longer) Great Britain, or one of its colonies. The advert sign in the foreground has at the top the price marked in pounds.
    Which makes the whole scene even more amazing, considering how the Brits have become soft and soggy like a wet cardboard box. (or at least that’s as much as we “rebels across the pond” can ascertain from the news that leaks our way)

  7. I’m gonna go with African Islamic refugee with German cutlery for 300.

    Big Brit with the lethal right cross was using his fist to speak for all of England.

    To bad he wasn’t guarding high end purses in Shitcongo, but I suspect he will be punished regardless.

    Can’t be hammering on the world’s most privileged race after all.


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