Senate Can’t Figure Out If It Passed A Bill To Halt Payments To Dead People or Not – IOTW Report

Senate Can’t Figure Out If It Passed A Bill To Halt Payments To Dead People or Not

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give the “greatest deliberative body” in the world, The United States Senate.

Daily Caller

The Senate unanimously passed Republican Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul’s bill to stop sending social security money to dead people Tuesday but seemed unaware that they had actually agreed to pass the bill. More

9 Comments on Senate Can’t Figure Out If It Passed A Bill To Halt Payments To Dead People or Not

  1. The US Senate? Otherwise known as “Joe Biden’s training ground for over 35 years?” Then this shouldn’t surprise anyone at all, although it does explain the Democrats’ presumptive nominee for President.

  2. Simple, wait till the end of the month and see if EPSTEIN gets a check or not!

    Incidentally, Can this site start a DEATHPOOL on JIZZLANE MAXWELL?

  3. The Dems were confused, collectively unclear whether the “dead people” referred to in the bill included their party’s presidential nominee.


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