Senate GOP ups the ante, reaffirms there will be no hearings on Obama’s SCOTUS nominee – IOTW Report

Senate GOP ups the ante, reaffirms there will be no hearings on Obama’s SCOTUS nominee

i want to believe

WyBlog: The Constitution says Barack Obama can nominate someone to replace Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court.

The Constitution also says the Senate provides advice and consent.

Today the Senate Judiciary Committee said that advice won’t be forthcoming, and consent will indeed be withheld.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said members of the panel reached a “consensus” that there should not be hearings or a vote on President Obama’s nominee.

“My decision is that I don’t think we should have a hearing. We should let the next president pick the Supreme Court justice,” he said after emerging from a meeting in Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) office.  MORE

14 Comments on Senate GOP ups the ante, reaffirms there will be no hearings on Obama’s SCOTUS nominee

  1. Obama will get the Senate Dems to hold some sort of mock confirmation hearing, with accompanying media theatrics, and pillow-biter Lindsey will fold. The GOPe has neither the balls nor the integrity to resist manipulation. They cannot shut down the government or shut down the confirmation process. New SC justice in place by June.

  2. Ya know, you guys are pissed either way…..Beat me up all you want, but when the Repubs do/say nothing, YOU GET PISSED. When they actually DO something (like they are finally doing), YOU GET PISSED….

    Get behind them this time….They are actually doing something, so get behind them!

    would you rather we have the dems hold the majority in the senate and house? Remember what that got us?

  3. Obama is going to appoint somebody outrageously liberal and the Dems & MSM are going to use the resulting confirmation circus to get out the vote for Hillary and against the R incumbents

  4. RINO’s blew it, they should have said right off the start “Mr. President, nominate someone like Scalia and we will give it due consideration”. Instead, Obama can nominate a liberal that had one time supported a cause near-and-dear to ‘conservatives’, then claim the Repubs are obstructing Obama cause he’s black, and a candidate that even ‘thinks like them’.

    New SCOTUS justice will be confirmed and seated by the end of July.

  5. Trump will appoint liberals to the court? Unlike Bush 43 and 44? The Senate will still be in RINO hands and they’ll do anything to defeat Trump. I do trust McConnell not to confirm any Trump nominee.

    Let the court stay with 8 justices. There is nothing in the Constitution about the number of justices.

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