Sens. Johnson, Grassley Request Records on 2016 WH Meetings With Ukrainian and DNC Officials – IOTW Report

Sens. Johnson, Grassley Request Records on 2016 WH Meetings With Ukrainian and DNC Officials

( – On the same day Sen. Lindsey Graham asked for records on the Bidens’ dealings with Ukraine, two other Republican senators requested records “of multiple White House meetings that took place in 2016 between and among Obama administration officials, Ukrainian government representatives, and Democratic National Committee (DNC) officials.”

In a letter to the National Archives and Records Administration, Sens. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, asked Archivist David Ferriero to produce records of those meetings so they can “better understand the nature of these meetings, including who attended and what was discussed.”

The letter cites recent reports saying that in January 2016 “some of Ukraine’s top corruption prosecutors and investigators [met] face to face with members of former President Obama’s National Security Council (NSC), FBI, State Department and Department of Justice (DOJ).” read more

9 Comments on Sens. Johnson, Grassley Request Records on 2016 WH Meetings With Ukrainian and DNC Officials

  1. Can someone explain why republicans “ask” for pertinent info as pertains to corruption and democrats can “produce” said info as pertains to their enemies?

    I suspect republicans aren’t as interested in digging up dirt which implicates their own complicity.

  2. The elites will never say there are enough taxes, wars, debt, and tyranny.

    The ruling class will continue their insanity until the US Ponzi economy collapses, the 99% are sent to the concentration camps, a civil war breaks out, and WWIII starts so they can divide the wealth of the world among themselves. This is the end game. The only question is when.

    You would need to be living under a rock not to see this.

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