Sharia is totally constitutional compliant – IOTW Report

Sharia is totally constitutional compliant


7 Comments on Sharia is totally constitutional compliant

  1. isis is an example of implementation of full sharia

    isis is growing like an out-of-control brush fire across the middle east, at a time when the results of the obama iran deal will unleash a race to nuclear arms

    when isis gets their hands on nukes, they will implement the full flavor of sharia law

    never thought that the world would be so upside down that putin makes sense

    thanks obama, abysmal and colossal disaster

  2. Back when obama was first running, and then elected, I told a few acquaintances that thought obama was worth giving a chance to what I believed. I would say that ALL free people, regardless of country would be in greater jeopardy as a result of his policies and beliefs. As you can imagine, they thought I was a paranoid, right wing, racist. Well, I wish they had been right instead of me.

  3. Oh yeah goes right along with the Constitution especially the hudud portion shitariah.
    Billy Boy Clinton would surely have been stoned under this part and the likes of Barney Frank would be crucified or pitched off a roof top..

    The portion of shari’a law concerning the trial and punishment of the most serious crimes, including adultery, theft, and murder, prescribing penalties such as flagellation, amputation, and beheading.

  4. All seriousness aside, I don’t want to live under Mosaic law, either.
    Or Hanuman. Or Hindu. Or Shitzu. Or Marxist.

    Maybe I’m funny, but the Constitution of the United States of America is the best form devised by man.

    We should try it!

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