She’s Baaack! Marianne Williamson Reenters Presidential Race – IOTW Report

She’s Baaack! Marianne Williamson Reenters Presidential Race

Williamson then shared her vision, which includes “Medicare for all,” “tuition-free college and tech school,” “guaranteed housing, guaranteed living wage,” and “guaranteed sick pay.” She also called for a “ceasefire now,” “reparations,” and policies that “ramp down… fossil fuel extraction.” Williamson insists her vision is the formula for beating Trump.

18 Comments on She’s Baaack! Marianne Williamson Reenters Presidential Race

  1. Her platform is a liberal’s wet dream come true. But looking at it, it is unrealistically way over the top even for a tard like her. Meaning she is just another Dem presidential primary place-holder. Likely she, Pete Buttplug, gruesome Newsom, Mike Obama and the rest will be there just to take a fall for the previously selected behind the scenes candidate (any one of them that is polling well). Just like how Biden got it last time. We spend hours and untold millions sifting thru candidates while they don’t. Quite the racket.

  2. We already have a brain-dead flake (fake) Presidunce in the White House. Why would the democraps want to trade in their current flake for a certifiably, wacko, new age, phony baloney flake like this ditzy broad. She’d just end taking votes away from bidumb which may be a good thing for our side. How stupid and brain dead would you have to be to vote for this dumb bimbo.

  3. @ geoff the aardvark Wednesday, 28 February 2024, 17:22 at 5:22 pm,

    I know a seemingly intelligent and successful woman who would vote for any woman (for presidunce) regardless (or irregardless for my tenth grade ENGLISH teacher) of their “vision”.

  4. @Cracker

    Who can forget the tears shed at Clinton’s NYC HQ back in 2016 when she lost to Trump?

    Zillions of tears shed by very emotional liberal ladies that night and by a few “men”. Had any mice been spotted running around I think they would have climbed on their chairs, pulled up their bloomers, while screaming “EEK, A MOUSE”.

    To clean the floor that night, all the janitors needed was mops, no water was necessary.


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