She’s Breaking Up – IOTW Report

She’s Breaking Up

The T.S. Taipei suffered engine failure off the coast of Taiwan earlier this month and ran aground on the 10th. The vessel is now in the process of losing its cargo into the sea while breaking up.


The container ship was carrying volatile chemicals that authorities are going to try to offload Thursday.

Meanwhile cleanup crews on shore are trying to address the oil that has spilled from the ship.

Take a tour of the wreck via drone





5 Comments on She’s Breaking Up

  1. I helped with the cleanup of the New Carrissa which went aground twice on the Oregon coast. the biggest problem was the ABC gum’t officials arguing as to who was in charge. What a mess! I loved it when the military decided they could set it on fire and burn it up. Obviouslty nobody in charge had a clue.

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