Should “Kinky People” Be The Next Protected Class? – IOTW Report

Should “Kinky People” Be The Next Protected Class?

If you like to lounge around the house in a leather bondage suit or dress up in a animal costume, you shouldn’t lose your job if  pictures of your lifestyle get out on social media. So believes UC-Santa Cruz researcher, Sam Hughes.

But, Hughes thinks its fair for an employer to dismiss an employee who brings his or her “kink” to work and that the nature of a person’s particular fetish could also be grounds for termination (like not allowing a sadist to work at a pre-school).   More

23 Comments on Should “Kinky People” Be The Next Protected Class?

  1. But they can go online and check your views on politics, religion, guns, gay marriage, what you eat, drink etc?
    Everything will have to be conducted clandestinely to protect your livelihood. Do we want that? This is not a free country.

  2. OTHER PEOPLE’S LIVES was about govt spying on the secret lives of citizens.

    In America, other people’s lives demand your attention and do whatever is needed to get it.

    Which is sicker?

  3. We can only hope that the Democrat Party fully embraces this tarbaby. Once they insist that these people have a right to practice these perversions in the military, it will finally make some people realize how far they have fallen from most Amercan’s ideas of what is normal behavior.

  4. When I worked, the motto to live by and survival in the workplace simply was, NOBODY here is my friend.

    I didn’t want to let any one of them into my personal life. It took a few years to realize this, I made some friends, but regretted it.

    If you’re into some weird shit, so be it, keep it to yourself. If as a result of the shit you’re into you need to advertise. I’d think it would be difficult to find similar birds. Do so anonymously, away from anywhere near work.

  5. @Lady in Red – I can’t help you with a group photo, but the gravatar image of this comment is the real me (except I’ve kept the mustache but shaved the stubble).

    edit: If you right-click on the gravatar image and select “open in new tab” you’ll see it quite a bit larger.


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